01/19/05 - Curmudgeon the Drudge

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Related topics: Live Event, Curmudgeon the Drudge

Introduced:  Assault
Curmudgeon the Drudge can now be found in the Facility Hub.

Curmudgeon's Friend

Curmudgeon the Drudge first appeared during a live event on the Verdantine server [1]. He also appeared again later on the Leafcull server.[2][3]

When he appeared, he wanted help gathering a number of quest items so he could give them to friends and his wife. The quests varied depending on the server he was on. On Verdantine, he requested Elysa's Favor and the Baron's Amulet of Life Giving [1]. On Leafcull, he asked for the Doll Leader's Charm.[2][3]

If you successfully helped him you received the title Curmudgeon's Friend and a Drudge Board with Nail inscribed by him.[1]

Players that protected him from harm and buffed him were awarded with the title "Special Friend" and received a Huggy Drudge Doll.[1]


Live Event Items
Baron's Amulet of Life Giving
Doll Leader's Charm
Elysa's Favor

Drudge Board with Nail
Huggy Drudge Doll


Click image for full size version.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 01/19/05 Assault - Maggie Jackat's Curmudgeon's Friend
  2. 2.0 2.1 01/28/05 Assault - Warcry's Asherons Call: Leafcull Live Event
  3. 3.0 3.1 2005/01 Assault ACVault's +LeO Event Curmudgeon the Drudge