2008/01 - Aerbax's Prodigal Children

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Related topics: Aerbax, Aerbax's Prodigal Quests

Story Arc: 
Introduced: Children of the Prodigal Lord Previous Event - All Live Events - Next Event

Aerbax's Prodigal Children

The world echoes with an otherworldly voice that threatens to overwhelm your ears.
A peculiar, dispassionate voice says, "Greetings, flesh beings. If you wish to confront me, do so by progressing to the coordinates 21.7S by 5.3E, nearest to the city that you call Yaraq."
The voice continues, "Here you may attempt to rectify whatever grievances you have against my children. Be certain that you properly analyze whatever threat you may expect and prepare yourselves accordingly."


"Relevance is irrelevant - all may present themselves, as long as one is willing to accept the risk," the voice concludes.


First Wave

Second Wave


Third Wave


Live Event Items
Modified Hero Token

Miniature Hollow Minion Chest

Title Rewards

Task Required Title Reward
Give the Modified Hero Token to Vincadi Unwitting Participant

See Titles for a list of all available titles.


Lore & Dialog

The world echoes with an otherworldly voice that threatens to overwhelm your ears.
A peculiar, dispassionate voice says, "Greetings, flesh beings. If you wish to confront me, do so by progressing to the coordinates 21.7S by 5.3E, nearest to the city that you call Yaraq."
The voice continues, "Here you may attempt to rectify whatever grievances you have against my children. Be certain that you properly analyze whatever threat you may expect and prepare yourselves accordingly."
"Relevance is irrelevant - all may present themselves, as long as one is willing to accept the risk," the voice concludes.

As [Player Name] strikes the final blow against the Paradox-touched Olthoi Queen, a piercing howl fills your mind. Amidst the horrifying noise in your skull, you hear the following words, "You may have stopped me for a time, but you will never be rid of me. I am no simple insect that can be driven off or so simply destroyed. My Master will rid the world of you pathetic meatbags, and we will usher a new age into this reality."

Aerbax says, "I do not seek your blood today."
Aerbax says, "I do not choose to fight you. Are you so quick to desire death?"
Aerbax sighs...
Aerbax says, "Very well. Those who do not seek a fight, stand back."
Aerbax says, "I shall simply leave."
Aerbax says, "My presence here is irrelevant.
Aerbax says, "I had hoped to gather your opinions."
Aerbax says, "So be it. I will not waste my time with such as you."
Aerbax says, "I think I shall depart. It is clear what I must do now to stop humanity."
Aerbax says, "Good bye."

I did not die...I chose to leave. Rest assured, you will find your reality begin to fade. Soon after, I shall dominate you as I have the others under my sway. I, Aerbax, do promise you. This world...all that exists...shall conform to efficiency and perfection.

You give Vincadi Modified Hero Token.
Vincadi tells you, "Aerbax was amused by your participation in this experiment. It pleases Aerbax to award you a 'title' and this token of esteem."
Vincadi gives you Miniature Hollow Minion Chest.
