2013/03/27 Lord Miretrex appears

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Introduced:  Disturbance in the Desert

March 27 2013 - Wintersebb

A corrupted archmage of House Mhoire has appeared in the heart of the graveyard. (He is worth 80,000 Luminance)

In the middle of the Graveyard, at daytime, a special Undead, Lord Miretrex, level 300 with 200250 health spawned, surrounded by amongst others Wight Captains. He casted rings and other spells, and had the typical "let's jump on the bunkers to have some fun" attitude.
The 80,000 luminance was shared in fellow.

After he died, Legendary Keys spawned on the ground. On his corpse were 2 Mhoire Coins and 9 Rytheran's Jeweled Rings. The rings could only be picked up by those who had completed the Castle of Lord Mhoire Quest.

Legendary Key
Ancient Mhoire Coin
Rytheran's Jeweled Ring


