Aromatic Lager

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Introduced:  Throne of Destiny Related Quests:  Brewing Beer
Aromatic Lager
Value: 10
50 Burden Units

A wonderful bottle of aromatic lager.

Use this item to drink it.

Restores 65 Stamina when consumed.

This item cannot be sold.


  • Stack Size: 100


  • Tools:
Brew Kettle
  • Ingredients:
1 Water, 1 Plain Barley, 1 Vibrant Green Hops, 1 Dried Yeast, 1 Empty Stopped Keg, 1 Empty Bottles
  • Result:
50 Aromatic Lager
  • Steps:
  1. Use Brew Kettle on Water to create Full Brew Kettle
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  2. Use Plain Barley on Full Brew Kettle to create Sweet Wort
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  3. Use Vibrant Green Hops on Sweet Wort to create Tasty Finished Wort
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  4. Use Dried Yeast on Tasty Finished Wort to create Aromatic Fermented Brew
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  5. Use Empty Stopped Keg on Aromatic Fermented Brew to create Keg of Aromatic Lager
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  6. Use Empty Bottles on the Keg of Aromatic Lager to create 50 bottles of Aromatic Lager.
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