Ascension of the Shifting Sands(500 Summons)

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Quest Summary
Quest Type: Group
Start Location: ??
Timer: 12 Hours
Level Restrictions: 500+
Level Suggestions: 500+
Rewards Summary
Full details here
Essence of Legionisssk
Essence of a Gurog Commander
Essence of Daimyo Corozan
Max XP:
Full details here
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Introduced In: DragonMoon
File:Ascension of the Shifting Sands(500 Summons) Live.jpg
Ascension of the Shifting Sands(500 Summons)

Quest Overview

There are 7 level 500 summons. You must kill a boss and loot an item to turn in for the summoms. All pick up from the bosses share a 12 hour timer.

The bosses have been add to common hunting areas and they are tough to kill. You will need a strong group in order to kill them.

Essence of Daimyo Corozan(Acid):

You must kill Daimyo Corozan
Location on Hoshino_Fortress ??.
Loot ??
Return to Vaelen Voss

Essence of Lord Thalgriv(Acid):

Bludgeon: You must kill Lord Thalgriv
Location on ?? ??.
Loot Mhoire Castle
Return to Shade of Eldroth

Essence of Gurog Commander(Cold):

You must kill Gurog Commander
Location in Frozen Valley 84.6n,6.0w.
Loot Gurog Commander Leg
Return to Zalric the Understudy

Essence of Pontifex Maelros(Fire):

You must kill Pontifex Maelros
Location on Tou-Tou 28.1S, 95.4E.
Loot Head of Pontifex Maelros
Return to Shadow Guard

Essence of Rhokmar(Lightning):

You must kill Rhokmar
Location on Renegade Encampment??.
Loot ??
Return to Teth Sergeant

Essence of Legionisssk(Pierce):

You must kill Legionisssk
Location on Freebooter Isle 61.5S, 96.0E.
Loot Legionisssk's Severed Head
Return to Stinkstriker

Essence of Filinuveka Exalgrith(Slash):

You must kill Filinuveka Exalgrith
Location on City of Neftet ??.
Loot Filinuvekta Exalgrith's Death Ritual
Return to Vaeshan

Essence of Bael'Zharon(Void):

You must turn in all 7 level 500 summons to Millicent Nightbane
Location on Rithwic ??.
Loot Essence of Bael'Zharon

Experience Rewards

Task Required Experience Luminance
Give ?? to Vaelen Voss 128,000,000,000 ??
Give ?? to Shade of Eldroth 128,000,000,000 ??
Give Gurog Commander Leg to Zalric the Understudy 128,000,000,000 ??
Give Head of Pontifex Maelros to Shadow Guard 128,000,000,000 ??
Give ?? to Teth Sergeant 128,000,000,000 ??
Give Legionisssk's Severed Head to Stinkstriker 128,000,000,000 ??
Give Filinuvekta Exalgrith's Death Ritual to Vaeshan 128,000,000,000 ??


Lore & Dialog
