Aun Tanua's War Taiaha

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Introduced:  Dark Majesty Related Quests:  Aun Tanua's War Taiaha Quest Updated:  Pillars Made of Sand, Master of Arms
Aun Tanua's War Taiaha
Value: 1,500
650 Burden Units
A lovingly carved taiaha, fused to a living figurine. The creature slowly opens its eyes and glares at you.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded, Biting Strike

Skill: Light Weapons (Spear)
Damage: 11.7 - 26 (15.3 - 34), Piercing
Speed: Fast (25) (5)
Bonus to Attack Skill: +3%
Bonus to Melee Defense: +3%

Casts the following spells: Blood Drinker III, Swift Killer II, Light Weapon Mastery Other III, Rejuvenation Other III

Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 40

Spellcraft: 150
Mana: 700
Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.

Know that Tanae guides your hand in this battle.
--Aun Shimauri
Aun Tanua's War Taiaha


  • During the Pillars Made of Sand event, the Taiha was updated:
    • Rejuvenation Other II increased to III
    • Blood Drinker III added.
    • Biting Strike added.
  • During the Master of Arms event, the skill was changed from Spear to Light Weapons, the spells changed accordingly and the base damage upped from 4.8 - 12 to 11.7 - 26