Bastion of Tukal

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Introduced:  A Reign of Stone Related Quests:  Arm, Mind, Heart Quest Updated:  A New Threat
Bastion of Tukal
Value: 2,500
2000 Burden Units

A chestplate with the seal of Linvak Tukal on the Chest. The armor is elegant yet simple, and sturdily crafted.

Special Properties: Dyeable

Armor Level: 210
Covers Chest, Abdomen, Upper Arms, Lower Arms

You must be at least level 40 to wield this item.

Casts the following spells: Impenetrability IV, Cold Protection Other IV

Armor Level: 210
Slashing: Above Average (273)
Piercing: Average (231)
Bludgeoning: Average (231)
Fire: Average (189)
Cold: Average (189)
Acid: Below Average (147)
Electric: Below Average (147)
Nether: Average (210)

Spellcraft: 230
Mana: 200
Mana Cost: 1 point per 20 seconds.

Bastion of Tukal


Original Palettes for Bastion of Tukal
ACID Name Description Sample Hex Sample Hex Sample Hex Sample Hex Sample Hex
4313 TukalPurple Undershirt 4B0732 3E002C 3D102C 500B38
4314 TukalGrey Armor 808085 636363 7B7B7B 636263 787676
4315 LugianYellow Emblem DAAA32
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.
  • When dyed, the Linvak Tukal emblem and the "armor" parts stay the same color, the "under"parts take on a rather dull shade of the dye. Fail dyeing results in a very dull, almost yellow shade of orange.
Dyed Bastion of Tukal

(Light Blue)

(Dark Blue)


(Mint Green)







Original Palettes

Palettes for Dyed Bastion of Tukal
ACID Name Description Sample Hex Sample Hex Sample Hex Sample Hex
5601 TukalLapyan Main 07424B 083330 10373D 0B4750
5605 TukalColban Main 030259 020F46 050552 03035F
5610 TukalVerdalim Main 054019 062B0B 0D341A 09441C
5608 TukalMinalim Main 085A3E 0A4224 134B37 0D5F41
5603 TukalRelanim Main 44074B 250833 37103D 470B50
5609 TukalThananim Main 1F1F1F 161616 1D1D1D 232323
5606 TukalHennacin Main 4B070B 330813 3D1013 500B10
5602 TukalArgenory Main 3D3D3D 323232 3A3A3A 414141
5607 TukalBerimphur Main 3E4B0C 35360A 384210 44510F
5604 TukalFail Main 855F00 633500 7B5500 634500
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.

Update History

A New Threat
  • AL increased from 160 to 210.
  • Burden decreased from 2,200 to 2,000.