Blue Fire Infusion

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Introduced:  To Raise a Banner of Flame Related Quests:  Sword of Lost Light Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest, Sword of Lost Hope Quest
Blue Fire Infusion
Value: 1,500
15 Burden Units

A small glass flask containing a radiant blue liquid. It is impossible to guess how long its light has been lost beneath the earth.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded

It looks as if you could pour this on some other item.


Dropped by Mount Lethe Hellfire.

You apply the Blue Fire Infusion to the Sword's blade, and it glows with new power!

You give Lilly of Glenden Wood Blue Fire Infusion.
Lilly sniffs at the infusion carefully.
Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "Whew! Better be careful with this one."
You've earned 4,000,000 experience.