Corrupted Falatacot Temple

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Dungeon Location 003A
Coordinates: 87.3N 41.6E on Aerlinthe
Map Files: Wiki Map
Nearest Town: ??
Route: From the Aerlinthe Drop, follow the beach all the way around the island to the Ruined Watcher at 87.3N 41.6E. The statue is on the beach in the middle of the west side.
Dungeon Restrictions
Level Restrictions: 130+
Portal Restrictions: Cannot Tie
Cannot Recall
Cannot Summon
Quest Flag: Give the Ruined Watcher the Watcher Token.
Related Articles
Introduced In: Under Cover of Night
Related Quests: Gateway to the Deep

Map Dereth Point


The exit portal that takes you to the Gatekeepers is very heavily guarded by wisps, ghosts, and mu-miyahs. The mu-miyahs in particular hit very hard. There is a door right before the exit portal that is usually blocked by a wisp. It makes it a lot easier to open the door if you can war or missle the wisp in front of the door from a distance before running up. Get through the portal as fast as possible.
This is one of the few places where fixed location Sturdy Steel Chests can be found.


  • Wiki Map:






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