Dark Sorcerer's Phylactery

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Introduced:  Keep Your Enemies Closer Related Quests:  Creature Lords Updated:  A Perfect Paradox, A Gathering of Colors, Come What Follows
Retired Versions:  1
Dark Sorcerer's Phylactery
Value: 7,000
50 Burden Units

An orb with some sort of dark figure within. Gazing into its depths, you see the wretched face of a Dark Sorcerer, an undead from the Vesayen Islands.

Casts the following spells: Item Enchantment Mastery Self V, Mana Conversion Mastery Self VI, Minor Willpower, Wizard's Ultimate Intellect, Life Magic Mastery Self V

Activation Requirements: Life Magic: 250

Spellcraft: 250
Mana: 2000
Mana Cost: 1 point per 20 seconds.

Dark Sorcerer's Phylactery


You give Belinda du Loc Dark Sorcerer's Phylactery.
Belinda du Loc tells you, "I have enhanced this item using the essence of the creature that once wielded it, put it to good use. If you do not want it give it back and I will reward you alternatively."
Belinda du Loc gives you Enhanced Dark Sorcerer's Phylactery.