Diforsa Sleeves

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Introduced:  Throne of Destiny
Diforsa Sleeves
Value: 1,145
1,099 Burden Units

Special Properties: Dyeable

Armor Level: 110
Covers Upper Arms, Lower Arms

Armor Level: 110
Slashing: Above Average (143)
Piercing: Average (110)
Bludgeoning: Average (110)
Fire: Below Average (44)
Cold: Below Average (44)
Acid: Below Average (66)
Electric: Below Average (44)
Nether: Average (110)

Store-Bought Diforsa Suit, including Sleeves


Sold By

NPC Cost Town/Area Coordinates
Fiun Blacksmith 2,061 Fiun Outpost 95.7N, 56.9W
Fiun Shopkeeper 2,061 Fiun Outpost 95.7N, 56.9W