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2024 - Announcements Page

Server Specific

Player Creation:

       Granted upon player character creation:
       - 5% Bonus XPQuick Learner
       - 10% HP (Asheron's Benediction)
       - Jack of All Trade (+5 Skills)
       - Critical Protection(25% negation)
       - Frenzy of The Slayer (+3 dmg)
       - Iron Skin of the Invincible (+3 DR)
       - Eye of the Remorseless (1% Crit)
       - Hand of the Remorseless (+3 CDR)
       - Infused Life Magic (No Life Foci Needed)
       - Might of the Seventh Mule x 1 - (20% Burden increase)
       - Clutch of the Miser x 3 (No Drop)
       - Players gain 2 additional skill credits upon character creation (Not available during creation but granted upon entering the world)
       - Players will now receive Alchemy, Cooking, Lockpick, and Mana Conversion as trained skills for free upon entering the world. If you spent skill credits during creation for these skills, the credits for TRAINED will be returned.
       - Players will start in Glenden Wood regardless of selected starter town.
       - You now gain 2 skill credits per Enlightenment for a total of 10 additional skill credits for your template.
       - Pathwarden Chest Contains - Eternal Mana Stone, Upgraded Bunny Orb

General Impactful changes

       - Level 1000 Maximum, skill credits gained as normal till 275, then one at 300 and every 30 levels after.
       - 2X Kill XP Baseline - Serverwide quest to Summon and defeat Dragons, repeatable 3x per week to increase the server wide XP Multiplier.
       - 10X Quest XP, 5X Quest Lum, increased by the multiplier.
       - Wheel of Fortunate Buffs - Click to Recieve Buffs relevant to your player level.
       - Most quests are on a 12 hour Timer.
       - Vitae Penalty = 10%, 50% Cap
       - Trophy Drop Rate = 4X


       - 21 Players is the Maximum Fellowship Size - XP Share scales up if players are out of range.
       - Luminance Now Shares outside of Radar range (Same Range as XP)
       - /recruit <player name>
       - /recruitme <player name>		


       - See Pluginsfor how to update your RareHunter addon if using it
       - Rares now drop as Dragon Eggs, these can be traded to NPCs of the corresponding tier in Adventurer's Haven for the Rare Items of your choosing. Rare drops have been adjusted for both frequency/time between. They can also be used to increase the server XP Multiplier via a quest
       - Rare Weapons have been adjusted and the quality of cantrips and damage.

Augmentation Gems

       - Aug Gem: Sir Bellas has no Flag, 12 hour timer.
       - Stipend is a 12 hour timer. Stipend NPC Monroe Located in Adventurer's Haven.
       - Additional quests which grant a Blank Augmentation Gem: Amelia's Lost Toys, Paradox-touched Olthoi Egg Quest Turn-In, Aetherium Raid (High)


       - FACILITY HUB - Cheater Chest at the start to allow skipping if desired.
       - Dragon Coins - Rarely Drop from any monster in the game, use these to purchase cosmetics in Haven.


       - Reduced all summon difficulties but summoning still requires the skill. And 200s still require spec summoning.
       - Level 8 spell difficulty lowered to 350 from 400 to allow for easier self buffing on more templates and to normalize the difficulty curve. You will need to alter your vtank to reduce minimum spell difficulty to cast 8's at 350.


       - Max imbue success chance now 2/3 instead of 1/3 before applying augmentation bonus of 0.05 (roughly 0.716667 or ~72% chance of success)


       - Salvage Augs give greater returns (not accurately reflected in chat message) and salvage bag value cap greatly increased.
       - Salvaging overages are no longer lost.


       - Level 1000