Fiun Spellcasting Gloves

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Introduced:  Throne of Destiny Related Quests:  Fiun Spellcasting Gloves Quest Updated:  Secrets of the Apostates
Fiun Spellcasting Gloves
Value: 21,000
300 Burden Units

Armor Level: 350
Covers Hands

You must be at least level 90 to wield this item.

Casts the following spells: Inner Calm, Fiun Flee, Fiun Efficiency, Fiun Resistance

Armor Level: 350
Slashing: Below Average (210)
Piercing: Below Average (210)
Bludgeoning: Below Average (210)
Fire: Poor (105)
Cold: Above Average (490)
Acid: Below Average (210)
Electric: Above Average (420)
Nether: Average (350)

Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 150

Spellcraft: 250
Mana: 600
Mana Cost: 1 point per 59 seconds.

Fiun Spellcasting Gloves


  • In the Secrets of the Apostates event the Unenchantable special property was removed.
  • Spell Descriptions:
    • Fiun Flee (Increases the target's Run skill by 15 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.)
    • Fiun Efficiency (Increases the target's Mana Conversion skill by 10 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.)
    • Fiun Resistance (Increases the target's Magic Defense skill by 5 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.)
  • No ACIDs or palettes for this item could be determined with any known plugins