Gold Tumerok Insignia

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Introduced:  Release Related Quests:  Dryreach Rescue, Tumerok Banners Quest
Gold Tumerok Insignia
Value: 200
150 Burden Units

Gold Tumerok Insignia


You give Tumerok Collector Gold Tumerok Insignia.
Tumerok Collector tells you, "Hold on, I'm getting your money."
Tumerok Collector gives you 1,000 Pyreals.
You've earned 1,000 experience.
Tumerok Collector tells you, "Here you go."

You give Lieutenant Kenneth Gold Tumerok Insignia.
You've earned 1,000 experience.
Lieutenant Kenneth tells you, "Thank you, your heroism is appreciated!"
Lieutenant Kenneth gives you 1,000 Pyreals.