Help:End of Retail Content

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The content of this wiki was imported from the Asheron's Call Community Wiki (ACCW) in late 2025. The ACCW aims to document content as it existed at the end of retail. However, emulators are not yet caught up to the end of retail. Due to this discrepancy, numerous articles have been modified to include the {{Needs Verification}} template.

States of Content

  • Unverified: This content has been imported from the ACCW, but has not yet been checked for accuracy on Dragonmoon. These pages will include the {{Needs Verification}} template.
  • Verified: This content has been checked, and the page has been modified (if needed). These pages will include the {{Verified}} template, and will have the {{Needs Verification}} template removed.
  • Unavailable: This content has been checked, and is not yet available on Dragonmoon. These pages will include the {{Not Available}} template, and will have the {{Needs Verification}} template removed.
  • Custom: This page is for custom content on Dragonmoon. These pages will include the {{Custom}} template.

Verifying Content

The best way to verify content is to check it out on Dragonmoon.

If a page is 100% correct, remove the {{Needs Verification}} template, and add the {{Verified}} template with the correct flag set to true. For example, if a quest has been verified, the following would be included at the top of the page:

 | Quest = True

If a page needs corrections to be accurate to Dragonmoon, the following templates are available:

Once all corrections have been made, remove the {{Needs Verification}} template, and add the {{Verified}} template with the correct flag set to true.

If a page describes content not yet available on Dragonmoon, remove the {{Needs Verification}} template, and add the {{Not Available}} template.


Check the following:

  • All NPCs are available and in the stated location.
  • Steps in the walkthrough are correct.
  • Rewards section is correct.
  • Timer is correct.

Any differences should be noted at the top of the overview section. Additionally, if the rewards differ, it should be noted in the rewards section.

For the purposes of quest verification, you do not need to verify that the dialog section is correct.

The Update History section should remain unchanged, unless custom content changes have impacted the quest (e.g. Marketplace quests).


Check the following:

  • Verify item is available/obtainable.
  • Verify stats are correct.


Check the following:

  • Verify NPC is available/obtainable.
  • Verify stats are correct.
  • For vendors, verify inventory/prices/currency is correct.
  • For creatures, verify trophies are correct, if possible.

For the purposes of NPC and creature verification, you do not need to verify that the dialog section is correct.


Check the following:

  • Verify coordinates, level restrictions, quest restrictions.
  • Verify creature, NPC, item, and object lists are correct.