Hoshino Town 1

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Introduced:  The Risen Princess Related Quests:  Hoshino Fortress Infiltration, Hoshino Must Die, Save Karul, Purified Mouryou Weapons Updated:  Balance of Power


See also: Hoshino Town #2, Hoshino Town #3

Hoshino Town #1 is a small group of buildings located to the northeast of Hoshino Fortress. It is 1 of 3 towns nearby the fortress and is filled with Spectral Ghost creatures (aka Hoshino mobs). It is the location of the Claw Master Gatekeeper which holds 1 of the 3 pieces of the key to the Hoshino Fortress. It also contains the portal to the Samurai Hausu which is part of the Save Karul quest. The town is also a tier 8 loot area along with the rest of the Hoshino Fortress area.

The town is the closest of the Hoshino towns to the Royal Tent. As a result, it is often used for completing the kill tasks for the Hoshino Fortress area.



Map Dereth Point

Related Quests

Quest Restriction Rewards
Hoshino Fortress Infiltration
Hoshino Must Die
Purified Mouryou Weapons
Save Karul
Spectral Minion Kill Task
Spectral Bushi Kill Task
Spectral Mage Kill Task
Spectral Archer Kill Task
Spectral Claw Kill Task
Spectral Samurai Kill Task
Golem Samurai Kill Task
Spectral Nanjou Shou-jen Kill Task


Broken Key (Upper)


