Lesser Koujia Shadow Breastplate (Post-Patch)

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Introduced:  To Raise a Banner of Flame Related Quests:  Shadow Armor Quest Updated:  Fever Dreams
Lesser Koujia Shadow Breastplate
Value: 2,320
1,300 Burden Units

Special Properties: Bonded

Armor Level: 95
Covers Chest

Armor Level: 95
Slashing: Above Average (123)
Piercing: Average (95)
Bludgeoning: Average (95)
Fire: Poor (10)
Cold: Poor (10)
Acid: Poor (10)
Electric: Poor (10)
Nether: Average (95)

This item cannot be sold.

Lesser Koujia Shadow Breastplate (Post-Patch)


  • Obtained by handing a pre-patch Koujia Shadow Breastplate to Koga Hideki near Kara at 82.9S, 46.0E.
  • Can be handed back to Koga again for the older version (lower AL, higher burden, higher elemental protections, non stoneable).