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Introduced:  Throne of Destiny
Value: 40
90 Burden Units

Armor Level: 20
Covers Feet

Armor Level: 20
Slashing: Above Average (24)
Piercing: Average (16)
Bludgeoning: Average (20)
Fire: Average (10)
Cold: Average (10)
Acid: Poor (6)
Electric: Average (16)
Nether: Average (20)

Loafers (Store-bought)


One of the variations of footwear, sold by Tailors. For the other variations, see: Shoes, Boots, Sandals, Slippers, and Viamontian Laced Boots.

Dyed Variations

Dyed Loafers

(Light Blue)

(Dark Blue)


(Mint Green)







Store-bought Variations

Store Bought Loafers




Sanamar Silyun Silyun Silyun

Palettes and dye effects

  • Note that most of these colors are off. The propertydump does NOT show the color as it can be seen ingame.

Dye Effects

  • Only Colban, Thananim, Hennacin and Argenory are correctly represented.
Known Palettes for Dyed Loafers
ACID Name Sample DCS VT Hex
7031 Lapyan_Loaf 262626 000000
7034 Colban_Loaf 0922D1
7027 Verdalim_Loaf 262626
7032 Minalim_Loaf 262626
7035 Relanim_Loaf 262626
7036 Thananim_Loaf 000000 5C5C5C
7028 Hennacin_Loaf C5070C
7033 Argenory_Loaf 969999
7029 Berimphur_Loaf 262626
7030 Fail_Loaf 3A3A3A 131313
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.

Palettes found in Loot

  • The loot-generated color table is still work in progress. See for a spreadsheet for the until now discovered palettes this file (right click, download as)
Known Palettes for Loot-generated Loafers
ACID Name Sample DCS VT Hex
6955 CoralAqua_Loaf 0ABFDF 000000
6956 DarkReefAqua_Loaf 13889C 000000
6957 ArcticBlue_Loaf 0ED2F4 000000
6958 PolarBlue_Loaf 27D8F8 0F0F0F
6959 AzureBlue_Loaf 0656BC 000000
6960 ManaBlue_Loaf 05397C 000000
6961 SkyBlue_Loaf 0E71F2 000000
6962 BrandeisBlue_Loaf 3188F8 181818
6963 LazuliBlue_Loaf 0D0AA4 000000
6964 DeepBlue_Loaf 0F0BBD 000000
6965 PhtaloBlue_Loaf 2521F2 000000
6966 InkBlue_Loaf 181818
6967 DrabGold_Loaf 806332 000000
6968 DesertGold_Loaf 97753C 000000
6969 SandGold_Loaf B4883D 000000
6970 GambogeGold_Loaf C4974E 0F0F0F
6971 InkedBlue_Loaf 003E7B 000000
6972 IrisBlue_Loaf 004B95 000000
6973 CapriBlue_Loaf 00519D 000E0A
6974 PhiltreBlue_Loaf 0062BC 00271C
6975 NeftetBrown_Loaf 6B4D19 000000
6976 SamsurBrown_Loaf 75551C 000000
6977 DuneGold_Loaf 88601F 0A0606
6978 BeachGold_Loaf AA7C2A 1E1212
6979 ForestGreen_Loaf 1C6E00 000000
6980 BuillicGreen_Loaf 155900 000000
6981 MantisGreen_Loaf 30C200 0E0E00
6982 FrogGreen_Loaf 33D500 2F2F00
6983 TenderGreen_Loaf 58AE1D 000000
6984 BudGreen_Loaf 67CB22 000000
6985 FetidGreen_Loaf 65C721 000000
6986 SproutGreen_Loaf 82DF40 131313
6987 CobbleGrey_Loaf 6F6F6F 000000
6988 LeadGrey_Loaf 7E7E7E 000000
6989 MistGrey_Loaf 878787 000000
6990 SteamGrey_Loaf 9C9C9C 151515
6991 GreyAqua_Loaf 2B535E 000000
6992 IcecaveAqua_Loaf 509AAD 000000
6993 GlacialBlue_Loaf 62A9BB 0F0F0F
6994 FrozenAqua_Loaf 6FB1C2 1E1E1E
6995 GarnetRed_Loaf 6D0F0F 000000
6996 RubyRed_Loaf 771011 000000
6997 KazykRed_Loaf 971616 0B0109
6998 BurLizkRed_Loaf B2191A 1D0218
6999 MidnightBlue_Loaf 25117E 000000
7000 LapisBlue_Loaf 2C1596 000000
7001 CelestBlue_Loaf 3319AB 01060A
7002 IndigoBlue_Loaf 3719AE 031321
7003 WebPurple_Loaf 62059B 000000
7004 VioletPurple_Loaf 8409D1 000000
7005 ShockPurple_Loaf 8C07DD 000000
7006 RiftPurple_Loaf AA2FF7 0C0C0C
7007 HostileRed_Loaf 930505 000000
7008 AlertRed_Loaf C00808 000000
7009 SolidRed_Loaf CE0707 000000
7010 CoralRed_Loaf F72828 0A0A0A
7011 BloodRed_Loaf AB042C 000000
7012 CrimsonRed_Loaf 000000
7013 CarminePink_Loaf F70D44 000000
7014 FollyPink_Loaf FC164C 101010
7015 CinnabarPink_Loaf 7A2037 000000
7016 FuchsiaPink_Loaf 992945 000000
7017 VervainPink_Loaf BA2B4D 000000
7018 HotPink_Loaf D13D60 131313
7019 PearOlive_Loaf 7C7E1C 000000
7020 CitrineOlive_Loaf A1A326 000000
7021 LemonOlive_Loaf C0C330 000000
7022 LemonYellow_Loaf CDD03A 101010
7023 NeftetGold_Loaf 8D680F 000000
7024 OldGold_Loaf A17710 000000
7025 Goldenrod_Loaf BF8E15 000000
7026 IngotGold_Loaf DEA518 0F0F0F
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.