Nivinzk's Sacrificial Dagger

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Introduced:  Shattered Lines Related Quests:  8/21/08 - Nivinizk T'thuunixis, 12/11/08 - Blight Summoner (Live Events) Updated:  Sins of the Fathers
Nivinzk's Sacrificial Dagger
Value: 75,000
120 Burden Units

This dagger is not designed to be wielded in combat, and would ill serve your were you to try to fight with it. Instead, it is designed to ritually remove a small amount of blood for the purpose of spellcasting. It otherwise serves in the same capacity as a staff, wand, rod, or orb.

Special Properties: Biting Strike

Bonus to Melee Defense: +10.0%
Bonus to Mana Conversion: +12%

Casts the following spells: Cannibalize, Major Creature Enchantment Aptitude, Major Item Enchantment Aptitude, Major Life Magic Aptitude, Major War Magic Aptitude

Spellcraft: 400
Mana: 3000
Mana Cost: 1 point per 60 seconds.

Nivinzk's Sacrificial Dagger
