Platemail Hauberk of the Ogre

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Related topics: Platemail Hauberk

Introduced:  Release Related Quests:  Glenden Wood Dungeon Quest, Facility Hub Quests Updated:  Reign of Terror, Reforging the Past
Retired Versions:  2
Platemail Hauberk of the Ogre
Value: 2,937
3,596 Burden Units

Special Properties: Dyeable

Armor Level: 140
Covers Chest, Abdomen, Upper Arms, Lower Arms

Casts the following spells: Strength Self V

Armor Level: 140
Slashing: Above Average (182)
Piercing: Average (140)
Bludgeoning: Average (140)
Fire: Below Average (56)
Cold: Below Average (56)
Acid: Below Average (84)
Electric: Below Average (56)
Nether: Average (140)

Spellcraft: 100
Mana: 1000
Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.

Platemail Hauberk of the Ogre


Dyed Platemail Hauberk of the Ogre

(Light Blue)

(Dark Blue)


(Mint Green)






File:Platemail Hauberk of the Ogre Berimphur Live.jpg

Original Palette

Palettes for Platemail Hauberk of the Ogre
ACID Name Description Sample Hex
1689 Indigo Main 2A004A
1523 AncientForest Belt 253A34
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.

Dye Effects

Known Palettes for Dyed Platemail Hauberk of the Ogre
ACID Name Sample Hex
4216 LapyanBlue 0A92DF
4384 ColbanBlue 004D7D
4046 Verdalimgreen 17390E
4217 MinalimGreen 24CA83
4386 RenalimPurple 5B086D
4385 ThananimBlack 2A2A2A
4044 HennacinRed 430406
4218 ArgenoryWhite 969999
4045 BerimphurGold 5B4508
4051 NukedOrange FB6C24
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.