Reforged Ashbane

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Introduced:  Old Ghosts Related Quests:  Lady Aerfalle Quest Updated:  Master of Arms
Reforged Ashbane
Value: 15,000
450 Burden Units

A heavily enchanted flaming sword, wrought from magically-reinforced silver. The magics are so elegantly inlaid into the weapon that there is no visible enchantment on the blade. Its ivory haft is inscribed 'Ashbane,' and bears the name of Leikotha Arenir.

Special Properties: Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving, Ivoryable

Skill: Light Weapons (Sword)
Damage: 49.5 - 90, Fire
Speed: Fast (20)
Bonus to Attack Skill: +30%

Your base Light Weapons must be at least 400 to wield this item.

This item cannot be sold.

Reforged Ashbane


  • Found in Lady of Aerlinthe's Embossed Chest.
  • During the Master of Arms event, the skill was changed from Sword to Light Weapons and the level wield requirement removed. The base damage remains the same.
  • Give to Leikotha for an xp reward and a trip to the Abandoned Mines if you do not want the sword.
    • Note: there is a timer on the turn in. If you try to give a second sword, she will give it back to you. If it has been an ivoried version, it becomes attuned and bonded for the person handing that second sword in.

You give Leikotha Reforged Ashbane.

Leikotha releases a dry, rasping gasp.
Leikotha tells you, "Ashbane... mine own sword."
Leikotha examines her sword, feeling the weight of the blade in her hands.
Leikotha tells you, "I had dropped this on the hill of Ayn Tayan... My rage had so blinded me. Ferah, had played me for the fool..."
Leikotha tells you, "Spinning lies in my mind..."
Leikotha tells you, "What I did..."
A sound slowly builds within Leikotha, until finally an unearthly scream emanates from her. You feel the din about to deafen you when the scream stops.
Leikotha tells you, "Why... why..."
You've earned 50,000,000 experience.
Leikotha stares silently at the blade of the sword.
Leikotha tells you, "Leikotha stares silently at the blade of the sword."
Leikotha tells you, "How... where... ai, thy mind tells me that thou has found in one of Aerfalle's caches. Foul magus that she is. Worse, she's meddled with my sword's enchantments. Nothing is sacred anymore..."
Leikotha tells you, "I shall reward thee for thy efforts."

Leikotha tells you, "Now leave me. Leave me with my bitter memories..."

You give Leikotha Reforged Ashbane.

Leikotha tells you, "Leave me be, I have nothing to offer thee right now."
Leikotha gives you Reforged Ashbane.

In your mind, a soft voice sighs, "Disturb me not... Travel past this hole in the earth."

Note: if you are under level 150 you will be unable to turn in (though you will still be portaled).

You give Leikotha Reforged Ashbane.

Leikotha tilts her head from side to side, as if judging you.
Leikotha tells you, "I have no time for a child's pestering. Be gone, lest my rage return and I strike thee down."
Leikotha gives you Reforged Ashbane.
Leikotha tells you, "Be glad that mine ire is held in check."