Sack of Banderling Artifacts

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Introduced:  Strange Sightings Related Quests:  Aerbax's Prodigal Banderling
Sack of Banderling Artifacts
Value: 0
500 Burden Units

A large sack full of scalps, small totems, and other, less-identifiable items.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded

This item cannot be sold.


  • Harraag drops 10.
  • Pickup timer: 13 days
  • Does not stack.
  • Give to Chief Taraash for 64,966,287 maximum experience.
You give Chief Taraash Sack of Banderling Artifacts.
Chief Taraash tells you, "The Artifacts!"
Chief Taraash tells you, "Thank you. With the stolen artifacts returned, Haraag cannot use to get other Tribes to follow him. Please, accept reward for help you have given us."
You've earned 64,966,287 experience.