Serpent's Fang (Retired)

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Introduced:  Keep Your Enemies Closer Related Quests:  Creature Lords Updated:  A Perfect Paradox, Master of Arms
Current Version:  Serpent's Fang
Serpent's Fang
Value: 7,000
550 Burden Units

A spear crafted in the semblance of a large snake. The eyes seem to be crafted from some sort of gems, and acid drips from the fangs.

Skill: Light Weapons (Spear)
Damage: 10.88 - 32 (16.32 - 48), Acid
Speed: Fast (30)
Bonus to Attack Skill: +4%
Bonus to Melee Defense: +4%

Casts the following spells: Blood Drinker V, Warrior's Greater Vitality, Invulnerability Self IV

Activation Requirements: None

Spellcraft: 55
Mana: 500
Mana Cost: 1 point per 50 seconds.

Serpent's Fang


You allow Belinda du Loc to examine your Serpent's Fang.
Belinda du Loc tells you, "The essence of the creature has long since left this item. Sorry, I am no longer able to enhance it."
  • During the Master of Arms event, the skill was changed from Spear to Light Weapons and the base damage upped from 5.44 - 16 to 10.88 - 32.