Sharp Tusker Slave Tusk

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Introduced:  Hidden Vein Related Quests:  Horn of Vigilance Quest
Sharp Tusker Slave Tusk
Value: 0
10 Burden Units

The long,sharp tusk of a departed tusker.

Coron Usgin of Zaikhal may know what one can do with this item.

Sharp Tusker Slave Tusk


You successfully carved the Tusk into Upper Pipe 3

You give Ivory Crafter Sharp Tusker Slave Tusk.
Ivory Crafter tells you, "A Tusker Slave tusk. You can't use these on the Island of the Tuskers. It's a good thing you came to me."
You've earned 17,500 experience.
Ivory Crafter gives you Trade Note (5,000).
Ivory Crafter tells you, "These tusks are exceptionally useful since they are hollow."