Skills (Spell)

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Related topics: Spells, Spell Research

  • Spells within a group will override spells in the same group with the same or lower difficulty.
  • Spells in different groups will stack with each other.
  • Type refers to whether a spell is player castable ( ), player castable but retired ( ), player usable but only on items ( ), only used by creatures ( ), or unknown/not in game ( This spell needs classification or is not yet available in game. ).

Group I

Type Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
Aerfalle's Enforcement 2 min 5.0 70 325 Lowers all fellowship members skills by 45 points for 120 seconds.  
Aerfalle's Gaze 2 min 5.0 70 325 Lowers targets skills by 45 points for 120 seconds.  
Black Madness 60 sec 0.0 10 350 A madness enters your mind. The gaping horror of the abyss fills you with dread, reducing all your skills by 30%.  
Mesmerizing Gaze 60 sec 0.0 10 400 Mudmouth stares deep into your eyes and you find your mind wandering, even with the sounds of battle that surround you. Your skills are lowered by 20%.  
Grip of Death 60 sec 0.0 10 500 Lowers all skills by 99%.  
Greater Mucor Blight 15 sec 0.0 10 500 An explosion of fungal spores swirls in the air, reducing all your skills by 50%.  
Lesser Mucor Blight 15 sec 0.0 10 500 An explosion of fungal spores swirls in the air, reducing all your skills by 10%.  
Mucor Blight 15 sec 0.0 10 500 An explosion of fungal spores swirls in the air, reducing all your skills by 20%.  
Brain Freeze 15 sec 0.0 10 500 The Essence strikes out with an icicle impaling your head, reducing all your skills by 50%.