Tanada Clan Master's Medallion

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Introduced:  Bridging the Vast Divide Related Quests:  Tanada Hunting Parties
Tanada Clan Master's Medallion
Value: 0
200 Burden Units

This jade medallion was taken from a master from the Tanada House of Air. The jade is flawless, except for a crack on one tip that has a black discoloration around it.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded

You've heard rumors of those who will reward you for medallions such as these in Shoushi and Yanshi.

This item cannot be sold.


  • Good places for finding these acolytes are around Kara in the South and around the portal to Bur in the North.
  • There is no difference between northern and southern acolytes.
  • Stack Size: 100
  • Turn into Ookami Kiri in Yanshi or Sayuji Jina in Shoushi for xp (1.3 mill max) and after you turn in 25 medallions you receive the title "Initiate of the Blade".
You give Sayuji Jina Tanada Clan Master's Medallion.
Sayuji Jina tells you, "A medallion from one of the elusive Tanada Clan? This may aid in my research into their appearance in Dereth. I will gladly reward you for any of these that you come across. Here, allow me to reward you for this one."
You've earned 1,386,393 experience.
  • You will only receive the title reward after completing either the first or the first and second Tanada series of quests. At this point it is uncertain if just the first quest or both are needed, but it can be assumed that no further quests in the series are needed, as they were introduced after the hunting parties.