Viamont Staging Portal (High)

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Dungeon Location 005A
Coordinates: 27.2N 27.9E
Map Files:
Nearest Town: Glenden Wood
Nearest LS: 29.7N, 26.9E
Route: South of Glenden Wood at 27.2N 27.9E.
Dungeon Restrictions
Level Restrictions: 130+
Portal Restrictions: Cannot Tie
Cannot Recall
Cannot Summon
Quest Flag: Speak to Tomo Genza in Glenden Wood
Related Articles
Introduced In: Through Sacrifice, Strength
Related Quests: Glenden Wood Invasion

Map Dereth Point


  • To enter the dungeon, first speak to Tomo Genza in Glenden Wood at 29.7N 27.2E. Kill the three pillars by the portal to activate the portal for a brief period. This flags all people in the fellowship to enter.
  • Because of the Mana Barrier's high magic resistance, it's not currently possible to solo this flagging quest using only war magic. However, it is not necessary to kill the Mana Barrier to complete the quest - one must simply kill the caster behind it. With a sufficiently high Life Magic skill, this mob can be harmed to death. (See quest write-up for details and hints). Melee and missile solo attempts are much quicker with a CB + CS weapon to kill the Mana Barrier more easily.





Viamontian Knight

Items and Objects


  • Surface - drop point/near captives, destination: 27.2N 27.9E,


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