Viamontian Commander

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Introduced:  Throne of Destiny Related Quests:  Chasing Oswald Updated:  From Darkness, Light
Viamontian Commander

Viamontian Knight
(Augmented Knight)

Strength 370
Endurance 350
Coordination 305
Quickness 305
Focus 80
Self 80
Health 495
Stamina 550
Mana 80

XP 125,000
Luminance 0
Loot Tier 5
Ancient Empyrean Trinket  Contact Instructions 
Common Attacks Weaknessess
Slash, Pierce Fire, Lightning
Melee A Missile A Magic A Melee D Missile D Magic D


  • In the From Darkness, Light event the experience reward was increased from 90,000 xp to 125,000 xp and the level was changed from 120 to 115.
Viamontian Commander Spawns
Data courtesy of Mob Tracker. Zoomable color
maps available with downloadable Viewer.