Virindi Archmage of Dream

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Introduced:  Lost City of Neftet
Virindi Archmage of Dream

(Standard Virindi)

Strength 350
Endurance 350
Coordination 380
Quickness 320
Focus 480
Self 480
Health 7675
Stamina 3350
Mana 5280

XP ??
Luminance 150
Loot Tier 8
Common Attacks Weaknessess
?? Virindi Slayer Slash
Melee A Missile A Magic A Melee D Missile D Magic D


On Death:
A shrieking sound pulses from the core of the falling Virindi. As the cloak become immobile, a shrill voice sounds in your mind, "You tamper with energies you cannot comprehend, the agressor must be led to cessation or all will collapse."