Warden (Banderling Camp)

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Introduced:  Reforging the Past Related Quests:  Facility Hub Quests, Fiery Weapons

Female Gharu'ndim
Portal Warden
Non-Player Killer

Strength 180
Endurance 190
Coordination 170
Quickness 170
Focus 150
Self 160
Health 175
Stamina 300
Mana 200

Location: West wing of the Facility Hub


Lore & Dialog

Warden tells you, "To the West of Holtburg you'll find the abandoned town of Edelbar, many years ago this town was sacked by Tumeroks."
Warden tells you, "Now the town is left to the wilds, many creatures occupy it. To the Northwest of Edelbar you'll find a camp of Banderling Bandits."
Warden tells you, "Their camp is located near 43.9N 25.1E. One of these Banderlings possessed a Quarter Staff of Fire."
Warden tells you, "Locate the camp, kill the Banderlings and return to me when you find the Quarter Staff of Fire and I will see to it that you're rewarded."