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April 2012 - Announcements Page

Turbine Announcements

Teaser Images

Click image for full size version.

Release Notes


Release Fiction

Developer Comments

No Developer Comments this month.


Patch Date: 12th April, 2012
Patch Size: 2,151K (Client: 4,632KB)

Town Crier Rumors

Free Rumors:

Town Crier tells you, "I've heard rumors that a group of people have found a way to strike back at Emperor Geraine."
Town Crier tells you, "News! Mhoire Castle has fallen from the sky!"
Town Crier tells you, "There's been a lot more Lugian activity in Dereth lately."

Pyreal Rumors:

Town Crier tells you, "One of the House Mhoire Undead has been seeking assistance from powerful adventurers for a mission of vital importance. I wonder what he's up to?"
Town Crier tells you, "Lord Kresovous has allowed a large number of younger Lugians to more actively join with the peoples of Dereth."

Ulgrim Rumors

Free Rumors:

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Back when we used to drink together Geraine never seemed so moody."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Now he's destroying castles when he's angry. Probably not a good thing if he becomes all the way unhinged."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I like all the Lugians that have been coming by lately."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Have you seen the size of their stouts?"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I really never should of taught Geraine how to take control of the bodies of other beings."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Sorry about that."

Stout Rumors:

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I'm not sure who is the better to win between Geraine and House Mhoire."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Now Mhoire is getting his hands on some of Geraine's secrets."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I'm just an innocent drunk bystander. You can get involved if you want, just leave me a stout on your way out."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Not sure if you heard, but that so called Rare Jewelry seems to have changed."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I only use rare jewelry when I want to get weaker anyway."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Where are the Geraines hiding? Well I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I do believe I saw one on the road heading west out of Samsur, but I don't think that's the best way to get there."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "The Halaetan Islands, Caul, he's definetly spread himself around."

New UI and Game Changes

  • There are now more baby creatures on the landscape. Spring has been fruitful thus far!
  • Lugians are now a playable race.
    • With the addition of the Lugian race there is now an 11th character slot available to players.
  • Shields & off-handed weapons can now be equipped after thrown projectiles such as Alchemy Phials.
  • When an enchantment overwrites a previous enchantment, a replacement message is now displayed.
  • Giving gems no longer displays the gem material name twice.

New Quests

Live Events

Updated Quests

  • Monthly Explorer Society Quests
    WARNING: These quests are standalone quests, the xp bonuses are strictly handled by the NPCs in Kara, speak to them after finishing to get your bonus. Also your timer for the bonuses depend on when you completed last month's set of quests, speak to each NPC to find out if your timer hasn't expired yet. More details here.
  • Ansar El-Kerdany: (Monthly) - Dark Monolith Quest
    Ansar El-Kerdany tells you, "Greetings Adventurer! We believe the Dark Monolith should be retrieved from the caverns in which it lies"
    Ansar El-Kerdany tells you, "I warn you not to attempt this alone, you will need assistance from others to survive the dark and dangerous caverns."
  • Esmond Fielding: (Bi-Weekly) - Silifi of Crimson Night Quest
    Esmond Fielding tells you, "Greetings Adventurer! The Explorer Society has decided it would help direct attention to citizens in need of help."
    Esmond Fielding tells you, "This month we have decided that Maqudh al Nishadina could use a hand in retrieving a Ruby of Crimson Night."
    Esmond Fielding tells you, "Find the gem and bring it to him. Do this and I shall reward you."
  • Niccolo De Luca: (Weekly) - Sword of Lost Light Quest
    Niccolo De Luca tells you, "Greetings Adventurer! The Explorer Society has decided it would help direct attention to citizens in need of help."
    Niccolo De Luca tells you, "This month we have decided that you are ready to take on the Guardian of the Lost Light."
    Niccolo De Luca tells you, "Defeat him, retrieve the Sword of Lost Light, and I shall reward you."

New NPCs

Updated NPCs

New Locations

See map of found locations on Discussion tab.

Updated Locations

Exit to Mhoire Castle Courtyard - Now drops at 65.8s, 46.0w

Mhoire Castle Southwest Tower Portal - 65.5s, 46.2w

Mhoire Castle Southeast Tower Portal - 65.4s, 45.5w

Mhoire Castle Northeast Tower Portal - 65.1s, 45.9w

Mhoire Castle Northwest Tower Portal - 65.1s, 46.3w

New Items

Contract for Aerbax's Prodigal Drudge
Contract for Aerbax's Prodigal Human
Contract for Chasing Oswald
Contract for Hunting Aun Ralirea

Geraine's Hosts
Geraine's Tome (1)
Geraine's Tome (2)
Geraine's Tome (3)
Geraine's Tome (4)
Geraine's Tome (5)
Geraine's Tome (6)
Geraine's Tome (7)

Updated Items

Alchemical Throwing Phials
Mana Phial of Imperil
Crown of Anointed Blood
Crown of Anointed Blood
Rares (Jewelry)
Swift Strike Ring
Necklace of Iniquity
Ibriya's Choice
Dreamseer Bangle
Contract for Gurog Creation
  • Fixed an issue with name inconsistency.

New Titles

No new titles this month.


Portal.dat (Ingame Icons)


New Creatures




Click image for full size.

Known Issues

  • Characters with an off-hand weapon and a thrown weapon will not automatically revert to dual wield stance once the thrown weapon is removed, until a new weapon is placed in the main hand.
  • The following items do not display on Lugians, and will be added in a future update:


Splash Screen