Finesse Weaponry

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Two Handed
Magic Casters

Related topics: Finesse Weapons


Transcluded tables, see Loot/Tier 8#Maximum Damages for the editable versions.

Weapon Type No Wield 250 Wield 300 Wield 325 Wield 350 Wield 370 Wield 400 Wield 420 Wield 430 Wield Best Variance
Axe 22 28 33 39 44 50 55 57 61 80%
Dagger 18 24 29 35 40 46 51 54 58 42%
Dagger Multi 7 11 13 16 18 21 24 27 28 24%
Mace 19 24 29 35 40 45 50 53 57 23%
-Jitte (Mace) 19 24 29 34 38 43 51 52 57 32.5%
Spear 21 26 32 37 42 48 54 57 60 65%
Sword 20 25 31 36 41 47 52 55 58 42%
Sword Multi 7 10 13 16 18 21 24 25 28 24%
Staff 19 24 30 35 40 46 51 54 57 32.5%
UA 17 23 27 31 35 40 44 46 48 43%


Name Damage
Dull Dagger 1 - 4 Slashing/Piercing
Lou Ka's Yaoji 2.5 - 5, Slashing/Piercing
Sir Ginazio's Sword 6 - 12, Slashing/Piercing


Weapon Type Name Damage
Staff Bastone 3.5 - 7
Dagger Bone Dagger 1.75 - 7
Spear Budiaq 2.5 - 10
Mace Dabus 5 - 10
Axe Hatchet 5.5 - 11
Staff Hoeroa 3.5 - 7
Mace Jitte 4.5 - 9
Staff Jo 3.5 - 7
Dagger Knife 1 - 4
Dagger Poniard 1.75 - 7
Sword Sabra 5 - 10
Sword Scimitar 5 - 10
Sword Short Sword 4 - 8
Axe Shou-ono 5 - 10
Sword Simi 4 - 8
Mace Stone Mace 5 - 10
Spear Taiaha 5 - 10
Mace Tofun 5 - 10
Axe Tungi 5.5 - 11
Sword Ukira 5 - 10
Sword Yaoji 4 - 8



Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Tungi 8 - 16, Slashing None None Training Academy Quest
Axe of Korogaith 16 - 40, Slashing None Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Shadows of Bitter Winter
Banished Axe 20.5 - 41, Acid Base FW 300+ Crushing Blow Banished Weapons
Deadly Hollow Axe 40.2 - 67, Slashing Base FW 250+ Hollow, Bonded, Unenchantable, Attuned, Ivoryable Hollow Weapons Quest
Doom Hammer 140 - 160, Bludgeoning None Unenchantable, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning Hero Tokens
Fine Spine Axe 10 - 20, Cold None None Island Armoredillo Spine
Hammer of the Fallen 21.5 - 43, Bludgeoning Base FW 370+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Fallen Weapons
Hollow Axe 10 - 19, Slashing None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Hollow Weapons Quest
Princely Runed Dolabra 26 - 52, Slashing Level 100+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike: Gossamer Flesh Princely Runed Weapons
Quintessence Sickle 25 - 50, Slashing Base FW 325+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Singularity Bore
Red Rune Silveran Axe 27 - 54, Slashing Level 140+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Tracking Grael
Royal Runed Dolabra 27 - 54, Slashing Level 120+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike Royal Runed Weapons
Sickle of Azaxis 16 - 32, Slashing Base FW 250+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Ivoryable Colosseum Boss
Shauraloi 10.4 - 26 (16.8 - 42), Bludgeoning Level 30+ Olthoi Slayer, Unenchantable Gaerlan's Citadel
Soul Bound Axe 44 - 55, Slashing Axe 400+ Ghost Slayer, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving Jester's Lost Marbles
Spectral Axe 44 - 55, Slashing Axe 400+ Ghost Slayer, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving Jester's Lost Marbles
Spine Axe 9-18, Electrical None None Sandy Armoredillo Spine
Training Tungi 4.5 - 9, Slashing None None Training Academy Quest
Trothyr's War Hammer 5.5 - 11, Bludgeoning None None Trothyr's Rest


Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Knife 8 - 16, Slashing/Piercing None None Training Academy Quest
Bound Singularity Dagger 7.8 - 26, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 250+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Singularity Weapons Quest
Burun Slaying Stilletto 16.8 - 28, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 325+ Multi-Strike, Biting Strike, Crushing Blow, Burun Slayer Burun Slaying Weapons
Butter Knife of Slaying 4.5 - 5 Base Cooking 050+ Food Slayer, Bonded Tanada House of Pancakes Quest
Carrot Dagger 3.6 - 12 Lvl 030+ None Snowman Village
Channeling Bone Dagger 17.75 - 71, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 400+ Cast on Strike Mucor Enhanced Weapons Quest
Noble Stiletto 15.6 - 26, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 325+ Multi-Strike, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Noble Weapons
Oswald's Dagger 6.5 - 13, Electric None None Hamud's Demise
Oswald's Dirk 11.2 - 28, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 325+ Multi-Strike, Bonded, Biting Strike, Attuned, Ivoryable Oswald's Dirk Quest
Peculiar Old Dagger 0.5 - 1, Bludgeoning None Unenchantable Hieromancer's Armor
Phantom Dagger 6.3 - 9, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 275+ Unenchantable, Phantasmal, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Phantom Weapons Quest
Ravenous Dagger 0.5 - 1 (7 - 26), Slashing/Piercing None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Ravenous Weapons Quest
Regal Stilletto ?? - ??, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 325+ Attuned, Bonded, Multi-Strike, Burun Slayer, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Noble Weapons Quest
Sable Tooth Dirk 2.8 - 14, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 200+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Sable Gromnie Tooth
Sacrificial Dagger 2.8 - 7, Slashing/Piercing None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Lady Aerfalle Quest
Singularity Dagger 2 - 7, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 350+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Destroyed on Death, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Singularity Weapons Quest
Training Knife 4.5 - 9, Slashing/Piercing None None Training Academy Quest
Ultimate Singularity Dagger ?? - ??, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 325+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Singularity Weapons Quest
Ultimate Singularity Dagger (Upgraded) 10.2 - 34, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 400+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Armor Cleaving, Ivoryable Weapon Upgrade Kit
Vein-Thirst Kukri 23.5 - 47, Slash/Pierce Base FW 370+ Multi-Strike, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Temple of Liazk Itzi (100+)
Vein-Thirst Kukri ?? - ??, Slash/Pierce Base FW 350+ Multi-Strike, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Temple of Liazk Itzi (80 - 99)
Vein-Thirst Kukri ?? - ??, Slash/Pierce Base FW 300+ Multi-Strike, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Temple of Liazk Itzi (60 - 79)
Vein-Thirst Kukri ?? - ??, Slash/Pierce Base FW 250+ Multi-Strike, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Temple of Liazk Itzi (40 - 59)


Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Dabus 8 - 16, Bludgeoning None None Training Academy Quest
Channeling Stone Mace 30.8 - 77, Piercing Base FW 400+ Cast on Strike: Muccor Jolt Mucor Enhanced Weapons Quest
Chimeric Mace of the Quiddity 52.25 - 55, Bludgeoning Level 120+ Dropped on Death, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning Chimeric Quiddity Weapons
Club of Remarkable Cunning 32.16 - 48, Bludgeoning Base FW 350+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike, Ivoryable Blightfinger Quest
Club of Surprising Cunning 28.14 - 42, Bludgeoning Base FW 320+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike, Ivoryable Blightfinger Quest
Dauloi 9.6 - 24, Bludgeoning Level 030+ Olthoi Slayer Gaerlan's Citadel
Enhanced Mace of the Quiddity ?? - ??, Bludgeoning Base FW 370+ Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning Quiddity Weapons Quest
Fang Mace 15 - 30, Piercing Base FW 250+ None Dire Ursuin
Ishaq's Mace 20 - 40, Fire Base FW 370+ Biting Strike Ishaq's Lost Key Quest
Jitte of Law 3 - 4, Bludgeoning Base FW 390+ Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Cast on Strike: Redirect Motives & Bound to the Law Sawato Extortion
Mace of Winter Flame 24 - 48, Fire Level 080+ Shadow Slayer, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Shadows of Bitter Winter
Mace of the Quiddity 6 - 12, Bludgeoning None None Quiddity Weapons Quest
Marsh Siraluun Waaika 12 - 20, Slashing None None Siraluun Weapons Quest
Mi Krau-Li's Improved Jitte 13 - 26, Bludgeoning Base FW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Ivoryable Mi Krau-Li's Jitte Quest
Mi Krau-Li's Jitte 9 - 18, Bludgeoning None Attuned, Bonded Mi Krau-Li's Jitte Quest
Mi Krau-Li's Remastered Jitte 24.7 - 38, Bludgeoning Base FW 300+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Cast on Strike, Ivoryable Mi Krau-Li's Jitte Quest
Paradox-touched Olthoi Mace 36.4 - 52, Slashing Base FW 400+ Olthoi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Cast on Strike, Ivoryable Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi
Renegade Mace 28.5 - 38, Acid Base FW 325+ Biting Strike Renegade Mace Quest
Soul Bound Mace 45.9 - 54, Bludgeoning Mace 400+ Ghost Slayer, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving Jester's Lost Marbles
Spectral Mace 45.9 - 54, Bludgeoning Mace 400+ None Jester's Lost Marbles
Training Dabus 4.5 - 9, Bludgeoning None None Training Academy Quest


Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Budiaq 8 - 16, Piercing None None Training Academy Quest
Acidic Weeping Spear 18.15 - 33 (32.45 - 59), Acid Base FW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Audetaunga's Taiaha of the Mountains 14.72 - 32, Piercing Base FW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Battered Old Spear 13.2 - 24, Piercing Base FW 250+ Armor Cleaving Worn and Battered Weapons
Blighted Spear 20 - 36 (34.1 - 62), Piercing Base FW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Blighted Weapons
Burun Slaying Swordstaff 12 - 30, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 325+ Burun Slayer, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Burun Slaying Weapons
Chimeric Lance of the Quiddity 40.8 - 51, Piercing Level 120+ Dropped on Death, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Timed (3 hours) Small Olthoi Venom Sacs
Cyphis Suldow's Half Moon Spear 12 - 30, Cold Base FW 325+ Bonded, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Banderling Haunt
Deadly Hollow Spear ?? - ??, Piercing Base FW 250+ Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Hollow Weapons Quest
Electric Weeping Spear 18.15 - 33 (32.45 - 59), Lightning Base FW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Enhanced Lance of the Quiddity ?? - ??, Piercing Base FW 370+ Resistance Cleaving: Piercing Weapon Upgrade Kit
Flaming Weeping Spear 18.15 - 33 (32.45 - 59), Fire Base FW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Frozen Weeping Spear 18.15 - 33 (32.45 - 59), Cold Base FW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Green Mire Yari 8 - 16, Piercing None Bonded Green Mire Grave Quest
Hollow Spear 5 - 17, Piercing None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Hollow Weapons Quest
Kreerg's Spear 9 - 12, Acid None None Bleeargh's Gratitude
Lance of the Quiddity 7 - 14, Piercing None None Quiddity Weapons Quest
Noble Swordstaff 12 - 30, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 325+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Noble Weapons Quest
Palenqual's Taiaha of the Chase 14.72 - 32, Piercing Base FW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Palenqual's Taiaha of the Heights 14.72 - 32, Piercing Base FW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Palenqual's Taiaha of the Vortex 14.72 - 32, Piercing Base FW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Paradox-touched Olthoi Spear 26.4 - 44, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Olthoi Slayer, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Cast on Strike: Shock Wave IV Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi
Regal Swordstaff ?? - ??, Piercing Base FW 325+ Attuned, Bonded, Burun Slayer, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Noble Weapons Quest
Renegade Taiaha of the Chase 21 - 46, Piercing Base FW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Taiaha of the Forests 21 - 46, Piercing Base FW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Taiaha of the Heights 21 - 46, Piercing Base FW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Taiaha of the Mountains 21 - 46, Piercing Base FW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Taiaha of the Rivers 21 - 46, Piercing Base FW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Taiaha of the Vortex 21 - 46, Piercing Base FW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Rumuba's Jade Spear 5.1 - 15, Piercing None None Rumuba's Jade Spear Quest
Shadowfire Isparian Spear 18 - 40 (?? - ??), Fire Base FW 400+ Shadow Slayer, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Shadowfire Stone Quest
Tanae's Taiaha of the Forests 14.72 - 32, Piercing Base FW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Training Budiaq 4.5 - 9, Piercing None None Training Academy Quest
Volkama's Taiaha of the Rivers 14.72 - 32, Piercing Base FW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Weeping Spear 13 - 26 (32.45 - 59), Piercing Base FW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Bonded Weeping Weapons
Worn Old Spear 17.6 - 32, Piercing Base FW 350+ Armor Cleaving Worn and Battered Weapons
Yaja's Reach 16.8 - 42, Slashing/Piercing Level 090+ Biting Strike Yaja's Reach Quest


Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Bastone 8 - 16, Bludgeoning None None Training Academy Quest
Acidic Weeping Staff 19.6 - 28 (37.8 - 54), Acid Base FW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Assault Staff 6.5 - 13, Bludgeoning Level 030+ Tumerok Slayer, Warrior's Vitality Tumerok Banners Quest
Audetaunga's Hoeroa of the Mountains 10.32 - 24, Bludgeoning Base FW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Barbed Crop 6.4 - 16, Slashing Base FW 30+ Biting Strike Hunt for Hea Tuperea
Battered Old Staff 10.5 - 14, Bludgeoning Base FW 250+ Armor Cleaving Worn and Battered Weapons
Blighted Staff 21 - 30 (39.2 - 56), Bludgeoning Base FW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Blighted Weapons
Chorizite Staff 19.5 - 39 (30.5 - 61)), Bludgeoning None Unenchantable, Dropped on Death, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike: Void's Call, Destroyed After 3 Hours Hero Tokens
Crop 1 - 2, Slashing None None Hunt for Hea Tuperea
Electric Weeping Staff 19.6 - 28 (37.8 - 54), Lightning Base FW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Enhanced Assault Staff ?? - ??, Bludgeoning Level 130+ Tumerok Slayer, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning Weapon Upgrade Kit
Enhanced Soul Staff 11.25 - 15, Electrical Base FW 250+ Resistance Cleaving: Electrical, Cast on Strike: Eye of the Storm Creature Lords
Falauloi 8.4 - 14, Bludgeoning Level 030+ Unenchantable, Olthoi Slayer Gaerlan's Citadel
Flaming Weeping Staff 19.6 - 28 (37.8 - 54), Fire Base FW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Frozen Weeping Staff 19.6 - 28 (37.8 - 54), Cold Base FW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Golem Jo 5 - 10, Electrical None None Wood Heart to Trophy Smith
Palenqual's Hoeroa of the Chase 10.32 - 24, Bludgeoning Base FW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Palenqual's Hoeroa of the Heights 10.32 - 24, Bludgeoning Base FW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Palenqual's Hoeroa of the Vortex 10.32 - 24, Bludgeoning Base FW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Quarter Staff of Fire 7 - 10, Fire Buffed FW 85+ None Fiery Weapons
Renegade Hoeroa of the Chase 19.6 - 28, Bludgeoning Base FW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Hoeroa of the Forests 19.6 - 28, Bludgeoning Base FW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Hoeroa of the Heights 19.6 - 28, Bludgeoning Base FW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Hoeroa of the Mountains 19.6 - 28, Bludgeoning Base FW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Hoeroa of the Rivers 19.6 - 28, Bludgeoning Base FW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Hoeroa of the Vortex 19.6 - 28, Bludgeoning Base FW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Shadowfire Isparian Staff 15.6 - 26 (28.8 - 48), Fire Base FW 400+ Shadow Slayer, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Shadowfire Stone Quest
Soul Bound Staff 28 - 40, Bludgeoning Buffed FW 400+ Ghost Slayer, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving, Major Staff Aptitude Jester's Lost Marbles
Soul Staff 21.75 - 29, Electrical Base FW 250+ None Creature Lords
Spectral Staff 28 - 40, Bludgeoning Base FW 400+ Ghost Slayer, Dropped on Death, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving Jester's Lost Marbles
Spinning Staff of Death 26.25 - 35, Slashing Base FW 350+ Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Cast on Strike: Horizon's Blades Bandits of the Creepy Chambers
Staff of the Nomads 10.5 - 15, Fire Base FW 325+ Biting Strike Staff of the Nomads Quest
Tanae's Hoeroa of the Forests 10.32 - 24, Bludgeoning Base FW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Training Bastone 4.5 - 9, Bludgeoning None None Training Academy Quest
Volkama's Hoeroa of the Rivers 10.32 - 24, Bludgeoning Base FW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Weeping Staff 19.6 - 28 (37.8 - 54), Bludgeoning Base FW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Bonded, Attuned, Ivoryable Weeping Weapons
Worn Old Staff 15 - 20, Bludgeoning Base FW 350+ Armor Cleaving Worn and Battered Weapons


Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Short Sword 8 - 16, Slashing/Piercing None None Training Academy Quest
Acidic Weeping Sword 22.8 - 38, Acid Base FW 325+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Unenchantable, Bael'Zharon's Hate Weeping Weapons
Assault Sword 15 - 30, Slashing/Piercing Level 30+ Tumerok Slayer Tumerok Banners Quest
Audetaunga's Ukira of the Mountains 19 - 38, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Blade of the Fallen 25.5 - 51, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 370+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Fallen Weapons
Blade of the Quiddity 8 - 16, Slashing/Piercing None None Quiddity Weapons Quest
Blighted Sword 24 - 40, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Blighted Weapons
Bludgeoning Sword 4 - 10, Bludgeoning None Unenchantable Banderling Savage Arm
Chimeric Blade of the Quiddity 51.85 - 61, Slashing/Piercing Level 120+ Dropped on Death, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Small Olthoi Venom Sac
Crystal Sword 24 - 48, Piercing Base FW 300+ None Creature Lords
Electric Weeping Sword 22.8 - 38, Lightning Base FW 325+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Unenchantable, Bael'Zharon's Hate Weeping Weapons
Enhanced Assault Sword 27.55 - 55, Slashing/Piercing Level 130+ Tumerok Slayer, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Tumerok Banners Quest
Enhanced Blade of the Quiddity 25 - 50, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 370+ Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Quiddity Weapons Quest
Enhanced Crystal Sword 24 - 48, Piercing Base FW 325+ Cast on Strike: Piercing Vulnerability Other V Creature Lords
Esorcelled Falchion 17.5 - 25, Slashing/Piercing 370+ Multi-Strike, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Temple of Ixir Zi (100+)
Esorcelled Falchion 15.4 - 22, Slashing/Piercing 350+ Multi-Strike, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Temple of Ixir Zi (70-99)
Esorcelled Falchion ?? - ??, Slashing/Piercing 300+ Multi-Strike, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Temple of Ixir Zi (40-69)
Flaming Weeping Sword 22.8 - 38, Fire Base FW 325+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Unenchantable, Bael'Zharon's Hate Weeping Weapons
Frozen Weeping Sword 22.8 - 38, Cold Base FW 325+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Unenchantable, Bael'Zharon's Hate Weeping Weapons
Palenqual's Ukira of the Chase 19 - 38, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Palenqual's Ukira of the Heights 19 - 38, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Palenqual's Ukira of the Vortex 19 - 38, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Renegade Ukira of the Chase 37.8 - 54, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Ukira of the Forests 37.8 - 54, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Ukira of the Heights 37.8 - 54, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Ukira of the Mountains 37.8 - 54, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Ukira of the Rivers 37.8 - 54, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Ukira of the Vortex 37.8 - 54, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renlen's Grace 23.1 - 42, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 325+ Biting Strike Fort Tethana Tug of War
Shadowfire Isparian Sword 33 - 55, Fire Base FW 325+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Unenchantable, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Shadow Slayer Shadowfire Stone Quest
Sterile Sword 25 - 50, Fire Base FW 370+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Ivoryable Banished Assembly
Tanae's Ukira of the Forests 19 - 38, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Training Short Sword 4.5 - 9, Slashing/Piercing None None Training Academy Quest
Tusker Bone Sword 38.4 - 64, Slashing/Piercing Level 130+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike: Marrow Blight Aerbax's Prodigal Tusker
Volkama's Ukira of the Rivers 19 - 38, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Weeping Sword 22.8 - 38, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 325+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Unenchantable, Bael'Zharon's Hate Weeping Weapons


Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Handwraps 7 - 14, Bludgeoning None None Training Academy Quest
Banished Nekode 8.4 - 28, Frost Base FW 300+ Crushing Blow Banished Weapons
Bound Singularity Katar 6.75 - 15, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 250+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Singularity Weapons Quest
Gibbering Claw 10 - 20, Acid Base FW 350+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Oubliette Quest
Grael's Claw 11.7 - 26 (21.6 - 48), Slashing/Piercing Base FW 380+ Mukkir Slayer, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Shadow Breach Quest
Hamud's Pyreal Katar 4.8 - 12, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 250+ None Hamud's Demise
Katar of the Fallen 21 - 42, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 370+ Crushing Blow Fallen Weapons
Needletooth 10.5 - 21, Slashing/Piercing Level 100+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Carenzi Fangs - Ivory Crafter
Olthoi Acid Katar 8.5 - 34, Acid Base FW 300+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Olthoi Weapons Quest
Phantom Katar 2 - 4, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 275+ Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Phantasmal Phantom Weapons Quest
Princely Runed Knuckles 13.5 - 30, Bludgeoning Level 100+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike: Gossamer Flesh Princely Runed Weapons
Ravenous Katar 0.25 - 1 (7 - 26), Bludgeoning None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Ravenous Weapons Quest
Red Rune Silveran Claw 15.3 - 34, Slashing Level 140+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Tracking Grael, Grael's Summoning Chamber
Remoran Fist 21 - 42, Slashing/Piercing Level 130+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Ivoryable Bloodmouth Maw
Royal Runed Knuckles 15.3 - 34, Bludgeoning Level 120+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike: Gossamer Flesh Royal Runed Weapons
Singularity Katar 6.75 - 14, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 250+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Destroyed on Death, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Singularity Weapons Quest
Siraluun Matihao 4 - 12, Electrical Base FW 250+ Biting Strike Strand Siraluun Claw - Hea Ihipura the Crafter
Timber Siraluun Matihao 3 - 12, Acid Base FW 250+ Biting Strike Siraluun Weapons Quest
Training Handwraps 3.5 - 7, Bludgeoning None None Training Academy Quest
Ultimate Singularity Katar 11.7 - 26, Slashing/Piercing Base FW 325+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Singularity Weapons Quest
Ultimate Singularity Katar (Upgraded) 11.7 - 26, Slash/Pierce Base FW 400+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Armor Cleaving, Ivoryable Singularity Weapons Quest, Weapon Upgrade Kit


Icon Name Damage Special Props. Rare #
Canfield Cleaver 51.69 - 65, Slashing Slash Rending, Armor Cleaving 196
Champion's Demise 37.52 - 46 Acid Acid Rending, Armor Cleaving 202
Dripping Death 40.4 - 50, Acid Acid Rending, Armor Cleaving 246
Pitfighter's Edge 14 - 20, Slashing/Piercing Bael'Zharon's Hate, Multi-Strike, Slash Rending, Biting Strike 288
Death's Grip Staff 39 - 52, Cold Cold Rending, Crushing Blow 287
Defiler of Milantos 43.74 - 55, Slashing/Piercing Slash Rending, Biting Strike 242
Desert Wyrm 22.27 - 28, Slashing/Piercing Multi-Strike, Pierce Rending, Armor Cleaving 190
Hevelio's Half-Moon 27.83 - 35, Piercing Pierce Rending, Biting Strike 286
Malachite Slasher 25 - 50, Slashing Slash Rending, Crushing Blow 256
Tri-Blade Spear 35.89 - 44, Piercing Pierce Rending, Biting Strike 254
Tusked Axe of Ayan Baqur 46.92 - 59, Slashing Banderling Slayer, Slash Rending 248
Zharalim Crookblade 32.32 - 40, Slashing/Piercing Slash Rending, Biting Strike 260


See also: Category:Retired

Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest or Live Event
A Society Axe 8.5 - 17, Slashing None Biting Strike Exploration Society Letters
A Society Katar 2 - 8, Slashing/Piercing None Biting Strike Exploration Society Letters
A Society Staff 5.5 - 11, Bludgeoning None None Exploration Society Letters
An Explorer Axe 8.5 - 17, Slashing None Biting Strike Exploration Society Letters
An Explorer Katar 2 - 8, Slashing/Piercing None Biting Strike Exploration Society Letters
An Explorer Staff 5.5 - 11, Bludgeoning None None Exploration Society Letters
Assault Staff 2 - 18, Bludgeoning None None Tumerok Banners Quest
Bludgeoning Sword 3 - 6, Bludgeoning None None Ketnan
Bronze Quintessence Sickle 3 - 6, Slashing None None Bronze Statue Weapons
Crystal Sword 8 - 16, Slashing/Piercing None None Creature Lords
Drudge Board with Nail 2 - 4, Piercing None Destroyed on Death Curmudgeon the Drudge
Gertarh's Dagger 7.65 - 9, Slashing/Piercing None None Gertarh the Banderling
File:Green Mire Yari (Retired) Icon.png Green Mire Yari 6 - 11, Slashing/Piercing None None Green Mire Grave Quest
Hamud's Pyreal Katar 2.8 - 7, Slashing/Piercing None None Hamud's Demise
Oswald's Dagger 4 - 8, Electric None None Hamud's Demise
Peerless Shadow Dagger 7 - 28, Slashing/Piercing None None 2000/02 - The Gauntlet
Peerless Atlan Dagger 6.6 - 12, Slashing/Piercing None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Atlan Dagger of Black Fire 6.6 - 12, Slashing/Piercing None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Shivering Atlan Dagger 6.6 - 12, Cold None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Smoldering Atlan Dagger 6.6 - 12, Fire None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Sparking Atlan Dagger 6.6 - 12, Lightning None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Stinging Atlan Dagger 6.6 - 12, Acid None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Atlan Mace 7.2 - 18, Bludgeoning None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Atlan Mace of Black Fire 19.6 - 49, Bludgeoning None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Shivering Atlan Mace 7.2 - 18, Cold None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Smoldering Atlan Mace 7.2 - 18, Fire None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Sparking Atlan Mace 7.2 - 18, Lightning None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Stinging Atlan Mace 7.2 - 18, Acid None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Perfect Chilling Isparian Spear 11.2 - 28 (31.2 - 48), Cold Level 050+ Fire Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Coruscating Isparian Spear 11.2 - 28 (31.2 - 48), Lightning Level 050+ Lightning Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Dissolving Isparian Spear 11.2 - 28 (31.2 - 48), Acid Level 050+ Acid Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Flaming Isparian Spear 11.2 - 28 (31.2 - 48), Fire Level 050+ Fire Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Isparian Spear 11.2 - 28 (31.2 - 48), Piercing Level 050+ Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Shimmering Isparian Spear 11.2 - 28 (31.2 - 48), Piercing Level 050+ Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest, Major Prismatic Stone Quest
Perfect Chilling Isparian Staff 7 - 14 (27 - 34), Cold Level 050+ Fire Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest, Major Shivering Stone Quest
Perfect Coruscating Isparian Staff 7 - 14 (27 - 34), Lightning Level 050+ Acid Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest, Major Sparking Stone Quest
Perfect Dissolving Isparian Staff 7 - 14 (27 - 34), Acid Level 050+ Lightning Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest, Major Stinging Stone Quest
Perfect Flaming Isparian Staff 7 - 14 (27 - 34), Fire Level 050+ Frost Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest, Major Smoldering Stone Quest
Perfect Isparian Staff 7 - 14 (27 - 34), Bludgeoning Level 050+ Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Shimmering Isparian Staff 7 - 14 (27 - 34), Fire Level 050+ Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest, Major Prismatic Stone Quest
Perfect Chilling Isparian Sword 20 - 40, Cold Level 50+ Fire Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Coruscating Isparian Sword 20 - 40, Lightning None Acid Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Dissolving Isparian Sword 20 - 40, Acid Level 50+ Lightning Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Flaming Isparian Sword 20 - 40, Fire Level 50+ Frost Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Isparian Sword 20 - 40, Slashing/Piercing Level 50+ Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Shimmering Isparian Sword 20 - 40, Slashing/Piercing Level 50+ Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Quarter Staff of Fire 3 - 6, Fire None None Fiery Weapons
Quintessence Sickle 9 - 18, Slashing None Crushing Blow Singularity Bore
Soul Staff 8.25 - 11, Bludgeoning None None Creature Lords
Spine Axe 6 - 11, Slashing None None Sandy Armoredillo Spine - Trophy Smith
Spine Axe 9 - 18, Electric None None Sandy Armoredillo Spine - Trophy Smith
Staff of the Nomads 7 - 10, Bludgeoning None None Staff of the Nomads Quest
Starter Budiaq 1.7 - 7, Piercing None None Training Halls
Starter Jitte 2.5 - 5, Piercing None None Training Halls
Starter Jo 3 - 6, Bludgeoning None None Training Halls
Starter Knife 0.75 - 3, Slashing/Piercing None None Training Halls
Starter Shortsword 3 - 6, Slashing/Piercing None None Training Halls
Starter Simi 3 - 6, Slashing/Piercing None None Training Halls
Starter Shou-ono 3 - 5, Slashing None None Training Halls
Starter Tungi 3 - 5, Slashing None None Training Halls
Starter Yaoji 3 - 6, Slashing/Piercing None None Training Halls
Zharalim Simi 3.5 - 7, Slashing/Piercing None None Bronze Statue Weapons

Creature and NPC

Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Wielded By
Iasparailaun 25 - 50, Fire Empyrean Bael'Zharon's Hate, Multi-Strike, Unenchantable Gaerlan


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