A Society Axe
Value: 1 800 Burden Units
Skill: Finesse Weapons (Axe) Damage: 6 - 12, Slashing Speed: Slow (60)
A Society Axe (Retired)
A Society Axe
Value: 1 800 Burden Units
Special Properties: Biting Strike
Skill: Finesse Weapons (Axe) Damage: 8.5 - 17 (10.5 - 21), Slashing Speed: Slow (60) Bonus to Attack Skill: +0% Bonus to Melee Defense: +0%
Casts the following spells: Blood Drinker II, Axe Mastery Other II
Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 15
Spellcraft: 450 Mana: 400 Mana Cost: 1 point per 40 seconds.
A Society Axe