Banished Weapons

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Related topics: Weapon Sets

Introduced:  Infiltration Related Quests:  Banished Creature Kill Task Updated:  Master of Arms
Skill Weapon Creature
Magic Banished Orb Banished Mu-miyah
Missile Weapons Banished Atlatl Banished Grievver
Missile Weapons Banished Bow Banished Shadow
Missile Weapons Banished Crossbow Banished Phyntos Wasp
Two Handed Combat [[]] [[]]
Heavy Weapons Banished Point Banished Tusker
Heavy Weapons Banished Spear Banished Tumerok
Heavy Weapons Banished Staff Banished Drudge
Finesse Weapons Banished Axe Banished Lugian
Finesse Weapons Banished Nekode Banished Monouga
Light Weapons Banished Blade Banished Banderling
Light Weapons Banished Mace Banished Olthoi


  • Banished weapons are found on the corpses of the rare Banished creatures. These creatures may be found in the northern and southern 40 - 60 / Mid spawn areas which are displayed as light green on the Dereth Spawn Distribution map. Banished weapons drop 100% of the time.
  • Unwanted banished weapons can be turned in to Belinda du Loc of Stonehold for 1% exp capping at 500,000.
  • XP trinkets raise the "Max" XP based on the % of the trinket.
Banished Spawns
Data courtesy of Mob Tracker. Zoomable color
maps available with downloadable Viewer.