Banished Atlatl

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Introduced:  Infiltration Related Quests:  Banished Weapons Updated:  Master of Arms
Banished Atlatl
Value: 8,000
400 Burden Units

Special Properties: Crushing Blow

Skill: Missile Weapons (Thrown)
Damage Bonus: 5 (25)
Damage Modifier: +140%
Speed: Fast (20)

Uses atlatl darts as ammunition.
Bonus to Melee Defense: +0%

Your base Missile Weapons must be at least 270 to wield this item.

Casts the following spells: Aura of Blood Drinker VI, Minor Missile Weapon Aptitude

Spellcraft: 250
Mana: 800
Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.

Banished Atlatl


You give Belinda du Loc Banished Atlatl
Belinda du Loc tells you, "The weapon of a banished creature! Thank you kindly."
You've earned 500,000 experience.