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Latest revision as of 18:34, 8 February 2025

Introduced:  Release Related Quests:  The Mage Academy Updated:  Hollow Victory, The Changing of the Ways, Ancient Enemies
Lord Rytheran


Strength 230
Endurance 230
Coordination 210
Quickness 220
Focus 275
Self 275
Health 205
Stamina 380
Mana 575

Luminance 0
Loot Tier N/A
Letter  Rytheran's Key 
Common Attacks Weaknessess
Bludgeoning Fire
Melee A Missile A Magic A Melee D Missile D Magic D


Lore and Dialog

Hollow Victory

  • On death:
The Dericost lord's body collapses into rot and dust, but a voice in your mind sneers, "With the forces of the Servant on the move, you attack me? I say you are a fool!"
The Dericost lord's body collapses into rot and dust, but a voice in your mind sneers, "Pathetic little wretch! I shall rise again soon enough."
The Dericost lord's body collapses into rot and dust, but the voice in your mind sneers, "I should like to see you test your mettle against my Lady, barbarian dog! She is a far more powerfull magician than I."

The Changing of the Ways

  • On approach:
A voice in your mind sneers, "Don't you people have anything better to do than bother me?"
A voice in your mind sneers, "Oh for the throne and all that comes with it... Guards!
A voice in your mind sneers, "Oh now what do YOU want, adventurer?"
A voice in your mind sneers, "The thought of a primitive like you besting me through Art is laughable! Show me your sword, that I may enjoy this battle!"
A voice in your mind sneers, "Your powers are weak, dog!"
  • On resist:
Lord Rytheran blinks in surprise, then begins to chuckle at his opponent's inept spellcasting!
Lord Rytheran resists a feeble spell. He shakes his head, muttering something about "the mages these days" under his foul breath.
  • On death:
The Dericost lord's body collapses into rot and dust, but a voice in your mind sneers, "I trust my defeat makes you feel slightly more in control of your destiny and less like a dog at the end of Asheron's leash? Get you from my halls before I rise again!"

Update History

Hollow Victory
  • Updated with new utterances.

The Changing of the Ways

  • Updated with new utterances.

Ancient Enemies