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Latest revision as of 19:20, 7 February 2025

Introduced:  Release Related Quests:  Lilitha's Lost Bow Updated:  The Hall of the Tusker King
Eldrista the Adventurer

Eldrista the Adventurer
Non-Player Killer

Strength 80
Endurance 60
Coordination 70
Quickness 60
Focus 20
Self 25
Health 80
Stamina 150
Mana 45

Location: 35.7N, 33.4E - Eldrista's House





Item Price
Lilitha's Arrows ??  

Lore & Dialog

Eldrista the Adventurer tells you, "No more scrabbling in dungeons for me! If you want some of Lilitha's dirty old arrows, you can go get them yourself!"
Eldrista the Adventurer tells you, "What? You want the story? Well, just west of here is a dungeon called Hunter's Leap. You'll find it around 35.7N, 32.6E. Legend has it that the great hunter Lilitha lived there when she was younger, while she practiced her skills."
Eldrista the Adventurer tells you, "I never met her myself, but I have a lot of respect for someone with that kind of spirit. Anyway, when she moved out, she left behind a lot of the bows and arrows she had made -- substandard work, stuff she wasn't happy with. But it's still better than what most of these so-called archers can make today."
Eldrista the Adventurer tells you, "I made my living for a long time by collecting the arrows she left behind and selling them. But then the banderlings moved out and a new bunch moved in and my Farmer left and ... I just don't think I want to do that anymore."
Eldrista the Adventurer tells you, "But ... if you find one of her old bows, bring it to me and I'll see what I can do for a reward."

You give Eldrista the Adventurer Lilitha's Broken Bow.
Eldrista the Adventurer works on the bow for a moment
Eldrista the Adventurer gives you Lilitha's Bow.
Eldrista the Adventurer tells you, "Here you go, all fixed. And a little something extra for letting me practice fixing something so well-crafted."
You've earned 353,080 experience.