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Introduced:  Dark Majesty (expansion) Related Quests:  Aun Tanua's War Taiaha Quest Updated:  Pillars Made of Sand
Bachus Flufens

Non-Player Killer

Strength 130
Endurance 145
Coordination 170
Quickness 100
Focus 100
Self 110
Health 73
Stamina 145
Mana 110

Location: Redspire


Lore & Dialog

Bachus Flufens tells you, "Woe is me! As if it were not bad enough that I was driven out of my farm to the west by the Hea, now Varicci has taken over my town! Fortunately Micon and I are safe, but I must say that it has made it very difficult to continue my work."

Bachus Flufens tells you, "Have you heard of my work? I am researching rumors of a Tumerok artifact, of which the few hints I have discovered are quite unbelievable. They must hold that relic in high esteem indeed. A most fanciful folk, I must say! I heard that it is a legendary spear that they dismantled and enshrined in two separate caverns on the island. It once belonged to a warrior from an opposite faction, I believe. He tried to persuade them back to traditional ways, but they would have none of it. Somehow they dispatched him but retained his spear...which is supposed to have some sort of magical, "living" properties to it. I'm not quite sure what to believe."

Bachus Flufens tells you, "Perhaps the answer could be found in the caverns to the northwest along the shore. Try the area around 40.2N 84.7W --at least that's where I saw the Tumeroks heading last. Beware, friend--it's quite likely to be well guarded. I'd go myself, but I must catch up on my journal today. If you would like to read it, here are a few pages that I wrote the other day."

Bachus Flufens gives you Bachus Flufen's Journal.