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Introduced:  Ancient Powers Related Quests:  Master Test
Alicia Bladesworn

Female Aluvian
Inspector of Masters
Non-Player Killer

Strength 240
Endurance 200
Coordination 200
Quickness 250
Focus 290
Self 290
Health 296
Stamina 396
Mana 486

Location: Celestial Hand Stronghold in Hebian-To


Lore & Dialog

Alicia Bladesworn tells you, "Ahh. I've been expecting you."
Alicia Bladesworn tells you, "Nothing supernatural or anything, word just travels fast in the Stronghold, you know?"
Alicia Bladesworn tells you, "you need a task worthy of your skills, to prove yourself worthy of the Rank of Master in the Celestial Hand. I think I have one for you."
Alicia Bladesworn tells you, "On the Isle where you'll find the Ruins of Dagar'Alesh and Freebooter Keep, a place I've started calling Freebooter Isle, because, well, it's easier on the tongue and ears than Dagar'Alesh, there is a set of Catacombs overrun by T'thuun's Sclavus servants."
Alicia Bladesworn tells you, "Inside of these Catacombs, called the Catacombs of Tar'Kelyn, by the way, seems to be where all of the raids and incursions T'thuun's followers make against us are organized."
Alicia Bladesworn tells you, "From what our Scouts have been able to learn, a Sclavus named Skith'Kirit seems to be the main thinker and organizer for these raids."
Alicia Bladesworn tells you, "My task for you is simple. Sneak into the Catacombs of Tar'Kelyn, kill the Sclavus Skith'Kirit, and bring me his head. Do that, and you pass."
Alicia Bladesworn tells you, "I will attune you to the statue that guards the entrance to the catacombs now."
Alicia Bladesworn shatters a small gem, and you feel a wave of energy wash over you, settling in your bones.
Alicia Bladesworn tells you, "You'll find the Catacombs around 55.7S, 97.5E, on Freebooter Isle. You should find Skith'Kirit in his private quarters within the catacombs, most likely well guarded. Good luck."

Alicia Bladesworn tells you, "Back so soon? Do you have Skith'Kirit's head yet?"
Alicia Bladesworn tells you, "Remember, Skith'kirit can be found in the Catacombs of Tar'Kelyn, at 55.7S, 97.5E on Freebooter Isle."

You give Alicia Bladesworn Skith'Kirit's Severed Head.
Alicia Bladesworn tells you, "Ahhh, the Head of the Beast! Wonderful."
Alicia Bladesworn tells you, "With this abomination dead, perhaps we can weaken T'thuun's followers to the point where they will finally fall forever. Thank you."
Alicia Bladesworn tells you, "You have passed your test, and you have my thanks and congratulations. Go, speak with the Promotions Officer in the Great Hall. I'll let him know you've passed and are worthy to be a Master of our Society."