Tremblant's Ivory Staff

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Introduced:  Sudden Season Related Quests:  12/16/99 - The Great Work (Live Event)
Tremblant's Ivory Staff
Value: 1,800
675 Burden Units
A mighty quaterstaff, carved from the rib of a Tremendous Monouga.

Special Properties: Bonded

Skill: Light Weapons (Staff)
Damage: 18 - 36, Electrical
Speed: Fast (30)

Casts the following spells: Defender IV, Blood Drinker III, Light Weapon Mastery Other IV

Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 140

Spellcraft: 200
Mana: 425
Mana Cost: 1 point per 10 seconds.

In Memory of a Glorious victory near Holtburg!
--Sir Joffre Tremblant
Tremblant's Ivory Staff (recreation)
