Direlands Subway

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Dungeon Location 1568
Coordinates: 18.8S, 84.4W - Undead Housing
Map Files: ACmaps.com
Nearest Town: Fort Tethana
Nearest LS: 26.2S, 65.6W
Route: Use Mount Lethe Recall or give Sake to the Drunken Madman and he will summon a portal to the Walled Portals. Jump out of the fort and run west to the dungeon entrance at 18.6S, 84.4W.
Dungeon Restrictions
Level Restrictions: None. Lockpick is required to reach the Portals.
Portal Restrictions: Cannot Tie
Cannot Recall
Cannot Summon
Quest Flag: None
Related Articles
Introduced In: From the Darkness Born
Related Quests: None
Concealed entrance to the Direlands Subway

Map Dereth Point


  • This dungeon has no portal. Enter the dungeon through a cabin on the surface.
  • Outside the dungeon in the house is a Sturdy Steel Chest and a Runed Chest (300 difficulty).
  • Also there is a Sturdy Steel Chest (7500 difficulty) and a Runed Chest (300 difficulty) at the bottom of the dungeon (behind the locked door 322 difficulty).





Items and Objects

  • Sturdy Steel Chest - Found at the bottom of the dungeon behind the locked door.
  • Runed Chest - Locked (diff. 300), contains tier 5 Loot. Found at the bottom of the dungeon behind the locked door.


  • In the bottom room behind a locked door (322 difficulty) there are portals to:
Location Coords Destination Coords Restrictions
Direlands Subway 18.6S, 84.4W Stonehold Valley 66.5N, 26.7W 12+
Direlands Subway 18.6S, 84.4W Direlands North Landbridge 17.0N, 58.3W 25+
Direlands Subway 18.6S, 84.4W Direlands South Landbridge 83.3S, 19.2W 25+
Direlands Subway 18.6S, 84.4W Vesayen Isles 72.5S, 81.3E None
Direlands Subway 18.6S, 84.4W South Shore Heights 86.2S, 39.6E 12+
Direlands Subway 18.6S, 84.4W Obsidian Span 34.5N, 42.1E None
Direlands Subway 18.6S, 84.4W Obsidian Plains 64.0S, 65.3W 65+
Direlands Subway 18.6S, 84.4W Direlands Southeast Shore 70.9S, 36.3W 25+
Direlands Subway 18.6S, 84.4W Darktide Festival Stone 59.7S, 90.0W 65+
Direlands Subway 18.6S, 84.4W Slaughterhouse 0.4S, 80.1W None
Direlands Subway 18.6S, 84.4W Isle of Tears 22.5N, 51.9E None
Direlands Subway 18.6S, 84.4W Black Hill 62.4S, 52.3W None
Direlands Subway 18.6S, 84.4W Walled Portals 21.5S, 74.6W None
Direlands Subway 18.6S, 84.4W Obsidian Rim 48.0S, 65.0W 35+


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