Aerbax's Prodigal Tumerok

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Aerbax's Prodigal Quests

Banderling - Drudge - Harbinger - Human - Lugian - Monouga - Mosswart - Olthoi - Shadow - Tumerok - Tusker

Walk Through ___ Maps ___ Items ___ Images ___ Lore & Dialog ___
Quest Summary
Quest Type: Solo
Start Location: Qalaba'r
Timer: 20 Days
Level Restrictions: 80+
Level Suggestions: 80+
Rewards Summary
Full details here
Max XP: 20 Million
Titles: Friend of Rheaga
Slayer of Rheaga
Related Articles
Introduced In: Children of the Prodigal Lord
The heavily guarded Bunker that houses the Lonely Fortress Portal

Walk Through

  1. Speak to Nomea ibn Makar in Qalaba'r at 74.3S, 19.1E (in the bar). This will flag you to enter the dungeon.
  2. Run north from Ayan Baqur to the Lonely Fortress at 56.7S, 88.5W. The portal to the lonely fortress is surrounded by Virindi Executors, Virindi Profatrix and Paroxysm Shadows. Get in the bunker fast or you risk being pinned down by all the creatures.
  3. Once inside, you face some narrow tunnels full of the same monsters and a few hollows as well, stay right until you reach an acid pit you must jump across.
  4. The next part of the dungeon is full of small iron golems called Rheaga's Companions. Continue up to the top where you will find Hea Rheaga, speak to him and choose either to kill him or spare him.
    • If you choose to spare him, pick up the Letter to Nomea. This will get you the Friend of Rheaga title.
    • If you choose to kill him, loot the Head of Rheaga off his corpse. This will get you the Slayer of Rheaga title.
  5. Optional: Before you leave you may also read Rheaga's Journal on the floor in a little room near Rheaga. It is only lore and must be read in the dungeon because it can't be picked up.
  6. Once you're finished, head back to Qalaba'r and give the Letter or Head to Nomea.
    • Note: Once you get one of the titles you cannot get the other title on a future run.


Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps DM Updated Other Quests
Lonely Fortress 56.7S, 88.5W Map Lonely Fortress.gif -- -- -- --


Quest Items
Head of Rheaga
Letter to Nomea

Rheaga's Journal

Title Rewards

Task Required Title Reward
Return Letter to Nomea to Nomea Friend of Rheaga

Return Head of Rheaga to Nomea Slayer of Rheaga

See Titles for a list of all available titles.

Lore & Dialog

Nomea ibn Makar tells you, "Ah, you may be suitable for the task I have at hand. We've received reports that the Virindi renegade Aerbax has endowed a Hea Tumerok with increased intelligence and magical power. You can only imagine what danger this creature would pose if it came to unite the Tumeroks, the way Aerbax's other experiments have tried, yes?"
Nomea ibn Makar tells you, "Please venture to the Lonely Fortress on the western edge of Dereth, north of Ayan Baqur, and see to it that this Tumerok poses us no threat."

Hea Rheaga tells you, "Greetings, human. Have you come to slay me? I have divined, through my vast intelligence and penetrating senses, that a human named Nomea in your shantytown of Qalaba'r wishes me dead. Simply because I am a failed experiment of the meddler Aerbax. I can assure you that I pose no threat."

Hea Rheaga tells you, "I have no desire to meet, let alone unite or enslave, my brethren. Nor do I care to wage any kind of war, by arms, sorcery, or guile, against humankind. I have studied enough to know that no good can come of treating with your people."
Hea Rheaga tells you, "If you would slay me, be done with it now. I can assure you, death neither fascinates nor terrifies me. I am not particularly attached to the life I have been given."
Hea Rheaga tells you, "If you would spare me, merely pick up the note you see before me, and deliver it to Nomea. I am convinced it will convince Nomea of my benign intent."
Hea Rheaga tells you, "Be warned, I will fight back if attacked. I am not completely apathetic, after all. I do possess some survival instinct."

Hea Rheaga says, "Is there anyone at all like me? Anyone as unfortunate as me?"

If you choose to spare Hea Rheaga you receive the following message:

You give Nomea ibn Makar Letter to Nomea.
Nomea ibn Makar tells you, "A very interesting note you've given me here. I suppose this is enough to confirm that this Rheaga has no interest in uniting his kin for a war against us. I thank you for your service."
You've earned 20,000,000 experience.
Nomea ibn Makar has granted you the title "Friend of Rheaga"

If you choose to kill Hea Rheaga you receive the following message:

Hea Rheaga says, "Oh dear... It looks like death is just as boring as the rest of this uninspiring existence..."
You give Nomea ibn Makar Head of Rheaga.
Nomea ibn Makar tells you, "Funny, the beast doesn't look any smarter than any of the other Tumeroks. Good job, bringing that dangerous creature down. Oh, he may have protested his innocence, but all of these things that Aerbax twisted... Well, they can't help eventually turning to his will, can they?"
You've earned 20,000,000 experience.
Nomea ibn Makar has granted you the title "Slayer of Rheaga"


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