Translated Text Template

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Related topics: Page Templates, Standard Text Template, Template:Translated Text

Use this template for text items require translation to read.

  • Name the page of the Text Entry after the text. If text uses the same name as another entry, see Naming Conventions for hierarchy of naming articles. If needed, add (Text) at the end of the page name.
  • Either create a new icon from a screen shot or use an icon below. Right click and save the image to your computer, change the name to match the text it will go with, and upload it. Redirect the image to the item's page so that when clicked it will take the reader to the item.
  • If you would like to use an alias for the author, separate the names with a template pipe. For example, Oswald{{!}}O. will display "O." but link to Oswald.
  • Create a page for the untranslated item if it has a different name and redirect it to the translated page.
  • The page will automatically be categorized as a Text.

Common Text Icons

Wiki Code

Display up to 30 pages of text, if more are required use Non-template Code to construct the page.

 | Patch Introduced = 
 |   Related Quests = 
 |          Updated = 
{{Translated Text
 |             How Obtained = 
 |        Untranslated Name = 
 |  Untranslated Icon Image =  Icon.png
 | Untranslated Description = 
 |      Untranslated Author = 
 |       Special Properties = [[Attuned]], [[Bonded]]
 |          Translated Name = 
 |    Translated Icon Image =  Icon.png
 |   Translated Description = 
 |        Translated Author = 
 |               Translator = 
 |        Translator Speech = 
 | <Page 1 Text>
 | <Page 2 Text>
 | ...
 | <Page N Text>


See Book of Xik Minru for the results of the example code below:

 | Patch Introduced = [[Under Cover of Night]]
 |   Related Quests = [[The Temple of Xik Minru]]
 |          Updated = 
{{Translated Text
 |             How Obtained = Found on the corpse of [[High Priestess Xik Minru]] at the end of the [[Temple of Xik Minru]].
 |        Untranslated Name = Unreadable Falatacot Volume
 |  Untranslated Icon Image = Unreadable Falatacot Volume Icon.png
 | Untranslated Description = An unreadable Falatacot volume found upon the defeated corpse of the Falatacot High Priestess Xik Minru.<br> Bring this to Fanzen San in Hebian-to for translation.
 |      Untranslated Author = 
 |       Special Properties = [[Attuned]], [[Bonded]]
 |          Translated Name = Book of Xik Minru
 |    Translated Icon Image = Book of Xik Minru Icon.png
 |   Translated Description = A translation of the book found in the Temple of Xik Minru.
 |        Translated Author = Fanzen San
 |               Translator = Fanzen San
 |        Translator Speech = <font color=green>You give Fanzen San the Translator Unreadable Falatacot Volume.</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Fanzen San the Translator tells you, "A most fascinating text. The bulk of it seems to be focused around something called "The Spear of Mukkir" and its interactions with the Falatacot."</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Fanzen San the Translator tells you, "I recall overhearing something in the pub about a fellow named Sarkin Killcrane investigating a connection between the shadows and this Spear of Mukkir. I believe he is stationed in Wai Jhou."</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Fanzen San the Translator tells you, "Oh! I nearly forgot, here's the translation. Pardon my absent mindedness. Getting my hands on a text as old as this is a treat. I tend to get distracted by such opportunities."</font><br>
<font color=green>Fanzen San chuckles.</font><br>
<font color=green>Fanzen San the Translator gives you Book of Xik Minru.</font><br>
 | The word we have from our spies in Haebrous has been most interesting.  It seems that the games of mortality that the Haebreans find so diverting have recently become a bitter spectacle.  A gladiator in their great arena united their slaves and led a rebellion that devastated the city.  Their obnoxious little queen died at the center of the arena, beheaded by the rebel leader, a barbarian outlander named Grael.  We have heard that the gladiator went so far as to cut out her heart and eat it in front of his cheering followers.
 | We did not need dispatches from our spies to know that something had gone deliciously wrong in Haebrous.  The tremendous slaughter of the gladiator rebellion sent ripples throughout the planes.  From our perch here on Vissidal, we could almost smell the blood and fire in the streets of their proud city.  The Watchers seemed almost... cheerful during the three days of terror that shook Braletain's realm.
 | We have, of course, sent agents to investigate the nature of this Grael barbarian.  We know that Grael was a warrior of a native tribe on the northern frontier of Haebrous.  These primitives called themselves "Mukkir" and put up such a ferocious fight against the Haebreans that Braletain's soldiers exterminated every one, save for the single warrior that they brought back as a prize for the fighting pit.  We laugh in delight at the bloody revenge that Grael took on behalf of his people.
 | We must confess some jealousy at Grael's astonishing accomplishment.  The slaughter of an arena full of Haebreans and the spectacular ritual execution of their young queen drew much attention from the Watchers.  We also know that Grael somehow escaped Braletain's vengeance, even as his followers were annihilated by the diluted magical arts of the Haebrean royal "thaumaturges".  Again, we cannot help but admire Grael's resourcefulness and willingness to abandon those whom he no longer needed.
 | The Watchers will not speak to us directly about Grael.  The soft voices who have breathed to us the secrets of making and unmaking remain curiously and conspicuously silent on this one subject.  Of course, we gather knowledge in our own way, even if the Watchers refuse us the answers we seek.  We can listen to the turning of the Wheel of All Things, and we can hear echoes in the darkness that even they cannot.  This is a legacy taught to us by those who were our masters before...
 | And the echoes have told us that the Watchers seek Grael for their use, but they argue over what this use may be.  There are some among them who believe he is the one whose coming was foretold, who would bring about a great Sending and cover the world in Living Darkness.  There are some who believe he is too much of an uncontrolled power even for those who revel in chaos.  There are some who believe he is not the Messenger, but that he will prove to be a useful vessel of power even so.
 | We hear these voices the strongest - that Grael is an outlander, not Haebrean, Yalaini, Dericostian, or Falatacot - and thus a flawed and imperfect vessel for the mickle energies of the Living Darkness.  But Grael possesses something that no Empyrean does: a transcendent and transforming rage, a heart filled with the kind of pure, perfect hate which will make him a perfect conduit for the Watchers' powers, the powers of war and destruction and despair.
 | We can see some of what will befall Grael.  The currents of fortune swirl thickly about this gladiator.  This, too, is a gift of an earlier legacy, a knowledge we have kept to ourselves, within ourselves, and concealed from the Watchers.  But even without this ability to see swatches of the fabric of creation before it is woven, there are things we could predict out of simple sense.
 | Grael will not be the Messenger who is foretold.  He is not pureblood like our kind, nor even akin to us, as the Yalaini, Haebreans, and the Dericostians are, and he is thus incapable of wielding the full prophesied power that the Messenger would carry.  But he will serve as an experimental subject for the Dark Ones.  They will wrap him in thorns, in a mantle of Living Darkness.  They will give him life everlasting within the Darkness, and they will teach him to bring True Death.  They will teach him to extinguish the light of creation.
 | And then they will watch him, and observe how he fares with the gifts of the Living Shadow.  They will learn what happens when a mortal is bathed in the power of true darkness.  We think the Watchers will be surprised.  Grael is even more unpredictable than they believe.  Grael is flesh of this world, and thus they cannot perfectly know his nature.  Even worse for them, Grael is more cunning than they suspect.  He will take their gifts, and make them his own.  He will become something none of us can know.

Non-template Code

If more than 30 pages need to be displayed, or customization is required that deviates substantially from the template, you can construct the page using the non-template code below as a base:

<div style="background-color:#EEE8AA; border:2px solid #cc9900;width:80%;padding:30px;margin-bottom:20px;margin-left:5%;margin-right:10%;">

[[Image:Untranslated Text Name Icon.png]] <big>Untranslated Name</big><br>
''Untranslated Description''<br>
<Special Properties if needed (Attuned, Bonded)><br>
Pretranslation Author: <name><br>
Translator: <name><br>
Translator Speech: <br>
<font color=green>Green Text.<br></font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>NPC tells.</font>


[[Image:Translated Text Name Icon.png]] <big>Translated Text Name</big><br>
''Description of text.''

Page 1 Text


Page 2 Text


Page N Text


-- [[Author]]

[[Category:Lore Database Entry]]