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Character Summary
Important Dates:

Ruled from 854 RC - 868 RC

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Queen of Aluvia, called also Alfrega the Mad[1], or the "Winter Queen"[2][3], daughter of Theolaud, married to the Milantan Kirne. She was known for her cruelty. It was said that Kirne feared her as much as the peasantry did.[1]

Though known to be of Viamontian descent, it was rumored that she had Silveran blood.[1]

Alfrega was a pale, high-cheeked, wintry beauty, with an abundant tresses of orange-red hair and blue-white eyes like a storm-whipped sea.[1]

Alfrega blamed her father's murder on the Aluvian peasantry. Alfrega became a paranoid ruler who saw intrigue behind every door. Each week, suspected spies were publicly put to death as a warning to all who would oppose her. More importantly, she spent a great deal of time trying to wipe out the rebellious Orts. The Orts were a group of native Aluvian rebels who had been living underground - figuratively and often literally - for some years, who wished to free Aluvia of all Viamontian influence. Alfrega was unceasing in her attempts to hunt down the last of the Ort loyalists, using the most brutal of tactics. Families were tortured to draw out their rebellious loved ones, homes were burnt, land was salted, and dozens were executed in hideous fashion. Amongst those most noted for their support of the Orts were Harlune and Hendac Tharesun [1] [4]

The Queen died in bed in the same way she lived - spitting up bile - at the young age of five and thirty years. She was succeeded by her son, Osric, who would come to be known as the Wise.[1]

Some believe that Alfrega was poisoned by Viamont, and others that the resistance finally found their way into her kitchens, and slew her in vengeance for the murder of the Celdon resistance members. The truth, as is usually the case, was more prosaic. Alfrega had ordered her chefs to provide her with the flesh of the Tian fish, known as a delicacy of the Sho. The Sho, apparently, had never told her chefs that the Tian fish must be packed in salt for three days to draw out its poisons.[1]

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