Grocer Khamal al-Rachard

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Introduced:  Unfinished Business Updated:  Old Ghosts
Grocer Khamal al-Rachard

Female Gharu'ndim
Non-Player Killer

Strength 80
Endurance 90
Coordination 95
Quickness 95
Focus 90
Self 60
Health 55
Stamina 100
Mana 70

Location: Inside Mar'uun (10.6S, 17.1E)


  • With the destruction of Mar'uun, Grocer Khamal al-Rachard disappeared. There is a corpse where she was standing.
  • Route: From Al-Arqas, take the Al-Nosaj portal at 33.5S, 13.1E. Then run to the Mar'uun at 10.6S, 17.1E.
  • See Farmer and Grocer for other similar shopkeepers.
  • Sells at 135%, buys at 90%





Item Price
Pack (Brown) 88  
Small Belt Pouch (Olive) 88  


Item Price
Brimstone-cap Mushroom  
Water 3  

Cooking Items

Item Price
Chicken (Food)  
Carving Knife  
Baking Pan  
Drudge Shaped Cookie Cutter  

Lore & Dialog

Unfinished Business

Dialog obtained through the Portal Space Time Travel quest, and may not be 100% accurate to actual dialog during this time.

Opening Dialog:

Grocer Khamal al-Rachard tells you, "Greetings! I offer the choicest selection of natural, organic produce. Grown without any magical enhancement. Well, unless you count the Empyrean mage-light, anyway."
Grocer Khamal al-Rachard tells you, "I've got a new item for sale. Drudge Cookie Cutters! They're hard to find I'm told, but I've got plenty. I asked the tinsmith who makes them if he has plans for any Knath shapes and he said I'de be the first to know."

Item Selling Dialog:

Grocer Khamal al-Rachard tells you, "Guaranteed fresh every day!"
Grocer Khamal al-Rachard tells you, "I'd suggest you stay away form Marcus and his experiments. This place hasn't been the same since they got here a few years back..."

Item Purchasing Dialog:

Grocer Khamal al-Rachard tells you, "Hm... We don't get much of that here. But is it fresh?"

Closing Dialog:

Grocer Khamal al-Rachard tells you, "Enjoy, fresh organic food really is the way to go."

Who Watches the Virindi? - Secrets of the Apostates

Dialog obtained through the Portal Space Time Travel quest, and may not be 100% accurate to actual dialog during this time.

Opening Dialog:

Grocer Khamal al-Rachard tells you, "Greetings! I offer the choicest selection of natural, organic produce. Grown without any magical enhancement. Well, unless you count the Empyrean mage-light, anyway."
Grocer Khamal al-Rachard tells you, "I've got a new item for sale. Drudge Cookie Cutters! They're hard to find I'm told, but I've got plenty. I asked the tinsmith who makes them if he has plans for any Knath shapes and he said I'de be the first to know."

Item Selling Dialog:

Grocer Khamal al-Rachard tells you, "Guaranteed fresh every day!"
Grocer Khamal al-Rachard tells you, "I'd suggest you stay away form Marcus and his experiments. This place hasn't been the same since they got here a few years back..."

Item Purchasing Dialog:

Grocer Khamal al-Rachard tells you, "Hm... We don't get much of that here. But is it fresh?"

Closing Dialog:

Grocer Khamal al-Rachard tells you, "Enjoy, fresh organic food really is the way to go. As of yet the presence of virindi hasn't effected my produce but I'm starting to worry..."