Mukkir Aspect of Grael

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Revision as of 08:09, 8 January 2013 by acpedia>Arkalor
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Introduced:  Shattering the Dark Related Quests:  Mukkir Aspect of Grael Quest
Mukkir Aspect of Grael

Mukkir Level

Strength 500
Endurance 450
Coordination 420
Quickness 400
Focus 320
Self 320
Health 30,000
Stamina 20,000
Mana 20,000

XP 580,785
Luminance 0
Loot Tier 6
Shadow Chest Key  Shard of the Black Spear 
Common Attacks Weaknessess
?? Pierce
Melee A Missile A Magic A Melee D Missile D Magic D
