Lugian Axe

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Introduced:  Release Updated:  A Reign of Stone, Master of Arms
Lugian Axe
Value: 750
5,000 Burden Units

Skill: Heavy Weapons (Axe)
Damage: 13.5 - 27, Slashing
Speed: Very Slow (120)

Your base Heavy Weapons must be at least 250 to wield this item.

Lugian Axe


  • Sold by one or more shopkeepers.
  • Store-bought version of this common Loot Item.
  • Purchased from Krage the Blacksmith in Linvak Tukal, or picked-up for free as drop loot.
  • During the Master of Arms patch, Loot & Store-bought Lugian Axes were converted from Axe to Light Weapons. The damage was not changed
  • A game glitch comes from when players occasionally scratch eyebrows; when holding a Lugian Axe, the player still scratches an eyebrow with the same hand, therefore handling the axe and moving his arm as if the said axe was light as a pencil. This frequently happens when your player idles by standing at the same place for a period of time.