Virindi Quidiox

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Introduced:  A Perfect Paradox Related Quests:  Virindi Quidiox Kill Task
Virindi Quidiox

(Standard Virindi)

Strength 320
Endurance 270
Coordination 370
Quickness 360
Focus 400
Self 400
Health 5000
Stamina 5000
Mana 4000

XP 4,000,000
Luminance 0
Loot Tier 6
Blue Jewel  Virindi Singularity Key  Red Jewel  Yellow Jewel  White Jewel  Mangled Dark Key  Twisted Dark Key 
Common Attacks Weaknessess
Slash, Fire Fire, Slash
Melee A Missile A Magic A Melee D Missile D Magic D


When it resists a spell: Virindi Quidiox tells you, "Your understanding of the energy wells within this physical world lead me to wonder why you make efforts to improve yourself."
  • On death:
A shrieking sound pulses from the core of the falling Virindi. As the cloak become immobile a shrill voice sounds in your mind, "You tamper with energies you cannot comprehend, the agressor must be led to cessation or all will collapse."
A sharp violet light washes over you as the Quidiox falls limp in your mind a feel of metal scraping against your brain is dulled by a sharp piercing screech.
Virindi Quidiox Spawns
Data courtesy of Mob Tracker. Zoomable color
maps available with downloadable Viewer.