Related topics: Weapon Sets
- Worn and Battered weapons are created by combining the two halves that are found in Dirty Old Crates scattered around Dereth (see the crates information page for a spawn map).
- The Dirty Old Crates of Osteth are accompanied by High Tumeroks and a Tumerok Priest and contain pieces of Battered Weapons.
- Alternatively, search the Direlands and northwestern parts of Osteth for Dirty Old Crates.
- These crates from these regions are accompanied by Tumerok Troopers and contain pieces of Worn Weapons.
- Completed battered weapons have level 5 spells, low damage and a base wield requirement of 250. Worn weapons have level 7 spells, high damage and a base wield requirement of 350. Both types of weapon have the Armor Cleaving property.