Diseased Polar Carenzi Liver

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Introduced:  Children of the Prodigal Lord Related Quests:  Carenzi Plague
Diseased Polar Carenzi Liver
Value: ???
Unknown Burden

This is a liver from a now-deceased carenzi. You can use it to more closely examine it, but you can't bring yourself to put it in your pack - you have no idea how healthy it is. Aun Teriona, near the town of Bluespire, is said to concern himself with the carenzi population.

This item expires in 3 minutes.

Diseased Polar Carenzi Liver


  • The first one picked up starts the timed quest. Speak to Aun Teriona at 41.3N, 75.3W north of Bluespire when done.

You smite Polar Carenzi mightily!
The liver of the carenzi falls out with a sickening squish.
As you examine this liver more closely, you are convinced that the local population of Polar Carenzi has fallen ill. They are going to die no matter what, but the damage can be mitigated to the rest of the carenzi population if you were to kill the ill ones in the area within two hours. Culling 4 additional Polar Carenzi with diseased livers should solve the problem.